.,Sir-John .Tyrellhas written a letter to his . friendIstr..George Frederick Young,
remonstrating ;with- hint.,for- his premattfreY criticisms on Mr. Disraeli's Castle Hedingham manifesto. Sir John- is" at arloss to under- stand tile advantageof speaking slightingli or disparingly of 'Measures With- out ImOink in detail What they are; or of discouraging the zeal and per- severance and impugning the statesmanlike qualifications and consistency of the ablest advocate °four cause," HoweVer,, he concludes with the eir;-
preplan of good hopes of Mr. Disraeli's success— . "Believing that be has the .rnn.fidence generally of . the Protection party, my impression is, that . when Parliament meets, those differenceewhich seemed to prevail at the Bromley meeting will vanish, and that the good sense of the Country will eventually revert to a state of things under Which it has hitherto enjoyed its proud preeminence.", , , , ... .,. , . . . . „
The Irish Church. Mission -6ociety held a special meeting•yesterday, at Exeter.liall, to hear statements of marked succets in the past year. . The Duke of Manchester presided. ' - ' • • • ',, : The Revered A.Dallas said, that Ithree y.eara ago. thinge, happened which gave reason, folielieve that a change was pendingin the mincluf the • , But the Jesuits were lynx-eyed, and theinjudiciotisopeeneasahloh'had ',blasted' and Marred- former operations was avoided: the -Society therefore sent 'forth, with the macresy which the wisdom from on high gave them a •nubiber 'ef„agents seleited with great 'carer and the spot chosen fer their:lahaMS,Waa the extreme West coast of Galway. Crowds .flocked to the schools and preaching,whilethe chalets, were deserted. The resultwas, that.= the confirmation tour of the Lord Bishop of Tuam, 401 eonverts frointopery were catechumens. The-Reverend .Mr. Wilkinson made confirmatciry itatinientaI;,', Shit' Pik rilt, g was addretried- in termed congratulation and religiotta ' eiliortation liYthe ve-
rend Dr. htNeile and others. _ . _.