24 NOVEMBER 1860, Page 7

The Itioniteur of yesterday published a convention concluded between the

Governments of Sardinia and France, arranging several questions in reference to the annexation of Savoy and Nice. It is determined that the portion of the Sardinian debt chargeable to Savoy and Nice shall be 44- millions of Sardinian Routes, which the French Government will remit to Sardinia. The charges incurred by Sardinia, on account of Savoy and Nice, will be transferred to Sardinia.

The Noniteur also published an Imperial decree, abolishing the prohi- bition against the exportation of iron ore, which may in future be ex- ported free of duty. The following statement is quoted from the Paris correspondence of the afternoon edition of the lifornihg Herald. The letter bears the date of " Thursday evening." " The negotiations for the cession of Venetia have been commenced. A long conference took place yesterday at the Foreign Office on the subject, be- tween M. Thouvenel, Prince Metternich, and M. de Kisselefi There was nothing drawn up, and, in fact, the conversation, if I am correctly informed, rolled chiefly on the means by which Austria might get rid of that costly appendage with profit to herself."

[This is a story that strongly "requires confirmation." If it be true, Austria must have made a great step towards good sense.]