A Momentary Calm Has Settled Over The Aspect Of Politics
on the Continent and at home. Some prominent politicians have been seen and heard in public places, but there is no absorbing topic, no striking event. Mr. Gibson has done......
The Selection Of Mr. Abraham Lincoln As The Successor Of
gr. Buchanan has not taken anybody by surprise. It is, however, one of those facts entitled to be called great ; for Mr. Lincoln has carried the entire North, except New Jersey.......
The Italian News Presents No Novelty. Francis Il Seems...
to stand fast in Gaeta, and the Italian army be- sieging him find difficulties in approaching the place. The French continue to prevent an attack by sea, which would pro- bably......
The Constituency Of Reading Has Returned Mr. Pigott By A
large majority after a smart contest. Southwark is embarrassed with candidates. Mr. Fawcett seems to have a good chance, but at a meeting where Mr. Fawcett was preferred to Mr.......
News Of The Week.
THE gold exodus, although the subject has lost the first blush of interest, still occupies the attention of financiers. The remarks we ventured last week, in the absence of......