The Scientific and Literary Treasury. By Samuel Maunder. New edition.
By J. Y. Johnson. (Longmans.)—This is one of the useful repertories published by Messrs. Longman, in which the greatest amount of information is condensed into the smallest space. The editor informs us that the work has undergone a radical revision, upwards of a thousand new articles having been inserted, and that this new edition is in fact almost a new book. An attempt has been made to impress upon it a more exact and scientific character than preceding editions pretended to, whilst its utility as a dictionary for popular reference has been steadily kept in view. It will give an idea of the nature of the work to those who are unacquainted with it, if we say that taking a column in the "C's " at random, we find the following works explained ; Carrara, Carrick-Bits, carronade, carte, carte blanche, cartel, Cartesians, Car- thaginian, Carthusians, cartilage, cartilaginous fishes, and cartoon.