History Of Joseph. (routledge.) History Of Moses....
these shilling toy-books, as they are called, to the notice of those who have little folks to cater for. The engravings are printed in colours, and are decidedly calculated to......
The Scientific And Literary Treasury. By Samuel Maunder....
By J. Y. Johnson. (Longmans.)—This is one of the useful repertories published by Messrs. Longman, in which the greatest amount of information is condensed into the smallest......
An Essay On Pantheism. By Rev. John Hunt, Curate Of
St. Ives. (Longmans.)—The curate of St. Ives has redeemed the credit of his order. The Church of Rome has awarded him its most distinguished honour of the Index in company with......
Priest And Parish. By Rev. Harry Jones, M.a., Incumbent Of
St. Luke's, Berwick Street. (Rivingtons.)—This is a reprint of papers that originally appeared in Fraser's Magazine. Mr. Jones is essentially a practical man, and his volume......
The Universal Church. (trubner.)—this Is A Bold Work By An
anonymous author, who is quite in earnest. He aspires to be the founder of the Church of the future, and he invites sympathy and co-operation from all who are dissatisfied with......
..religio Anima And Other Amts. By Alfred B. Richards....
Mr:Richards is a man of generous impulses and warm sympathies. Ile denounces selfishness Wherever he finds it, whether amongst kings, or poor-liw guardians, - or piditiCal......