We believe we are correct in stating that a requisition
very powerfully signed by Fellows of University College, London, of all faiths and the highest standing, as well as by many of the most influential proprietors, will be sent in next week to the Council of University College, asking for a special meeting to consider the recent grave error of the Council in refusing the best qualified candidate for a chair on the ground of denominational repute, and to lay down clearly the principles of the future. We are happy to see that, so far as the subject has yet been discussed in the public press, the view which we have taken has been very strongly confirmed. The Pall Mall Gazette and the Daily Telegraph of yesterday both strongly support the line taken in these columns. The truth is that the advocates of the Council were obliged to postpone the poSitive duty of choosing a first-rate teacher to the vague and ill defined advantage of choosing an unobjectionable name, and that is so weak a position that intelligent men are very naturally ashamed of it.