" SPECTAT011.")
February you kindly apeited your columns for subscrip. lions to our campaign for War-Time Prohibition. May I call the attention of your readers, and especially the suhseribers, to the Report of the Finance Committee, whirs shows thnt during the twelve months ending June 15th. 1917, we received towards
the general fond 510,027 El., and in donations and sales is
connexion with Defeat or Victory? account -7'2,879 14s. 2d. The Finaneial Statement shows that Pre., poster, and platform propa- ganda account for seven-eighths of liabilities incurred end the payments made, and that the amount paid in wages and salaries was £178, or less than two per cent. of the total receipts. A ropy of the Finance Committee's Report and of the balance-sheet (certi- fied by our auditors, Messrs. Mellora, Bastion, and Co.) has been posted to our members. The present serious position as it aff.sets food, transport, man-power, finance, and endurance vindicates to the full our demand for Prohibition a year ago last October. Tiro recent utterances of responsible statesmen pointing to a long war call for redoubled effort, and the Conunittee look to every patriot to help them to avert cr modify, as far as possible, a hunger crisi,;. which might not have arisen if Prohibition had been enforced at the commencement of the war. The Committee are therefore preparing n new advertising poster and literature campaign, and they will appreciate either financier assistance or voluntary DOTTIER in carrying it through.—I am, Sir, Sc., [It is with great pleasure that we publish Mr. Rieltardson's letter in regerd to the Strength of Britain Movement. Thongh we eller' always regret that those reeponsible for the Strength of Britain Movement could not feel it their duly to adopt the Spectator policy and make State Purchase a necessary and pre- liminary first step to War Prohibition, we never had the slightest doubt as to the straightforwardness of the campaign, or as to the subscriptions which crime front the Spectator readers being well :,rid faithfully npplied to the work for which they were designed. The Committee are to be congratulated on the fact that so small a sum as ..t278 was expended in wages and salaries. We advise any subscriber to the Strength of Britpin Movement, who has any doubts as to the objects on which the money has hue.. expended, to apply to Mr. Stephens Richardson (Empire Hotter, 171 Piccadilly, London, W. 1) for a ropy of the very satisfactory Financial Report for the mist year, which has jest been publielted. We cannot, for rea.sons of space, open our columns to any corre- spondence in regard to the Strength of Britain Movement, but desire to express our satisfaetion at Mr. Richardson'e letter.— En. Sj/PC/Otor.]