24 NOVEMBER 1917, page 16


SURVIVAL. (To the Author of " The Survival of Jesus.") WHO of mere nature with assurance know their souls, my friend, immortal souls to he, Trill know, with like assurance,......


LORD MORLEY'S RECOLLECTIONS:* [CONCLUDING NOTICE.] THERE is a short but pregnant chapter in Lord Morley's second volume in which he refers to his Roman. Lecture of 1897 on......

Christian Unity.

[TO THE EDITOR or THE "SeaCTATOR."] Walker's letter in the issue of October lath will, I am sure, be rend with interest and pleusere by a large number Of your readers,......

Nelson And Prisoners.

ITo nit Eonma or ma " fIrcermos.") Sm.—As I ant unable to trace the saying attributed to Nelson- " When they become my prisoners, I become their protector "- I should be......

Two More Tame Rooks.

Ito ran EDITOR or nes " SPECT.011."1 SIE,-111 the spring of 1998 I brought up two young rooks who bad been blown out of their nests. When they were able to fly they were always......

" Play The Game."

Pro TRH EDITOR. OP Ins " Senerrnes."1 Ent,—As you kindly open your columns to those in search of quotations, will you help me to find some one who can render into Latin, in two......

Judge Maliburton.

(To THE EDITOR or Tun " SPECTAT01.") Foe,—May I ask through your columns for the use of any material in the way of unpublished letters, journals, or reminiscences your readers......

Mr. Lansing's Address To Officers.

Wz are very glad to beable to inform our readers that we have received permission to reprint the noble Address by Mr. Lansing which was published in the Spectator of September......

Notice.—when " Correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed...

name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Coin. snunicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in ayeeement with the stews therein expressed or with the......