• bachelor, but he certainly is by no means in
search of a
wife. However, fate awaits him in the person of one of the younger and more lively members of the dramatis personao.—The Gulf. By Hugh F. Spender. (W. Collins, lions, end Co. Se. not.)— A story of some of the minor tragedies which have been caused by the war. The heroin a German off ice r.—feke.Rayeer-s.91ado Amalga- mation. By J. S. Fletcher (Allen and Unwin. (ls.)--Art amusing story concerned with the robbery of some famous jewel.— Sommeliers in &Wand. By Mrs. P. Hay-Newton. (John Murray. 5e. net.)—There are some excellent anecdotes in this quiet account of life in a Scottish village at the very beginning of the war.
• An Autumn .‘otring. By E. F. BLueon. London : W. Collim, tons, and Co. fee. e.tf