sion in trade.
(2) Insist on the fitting of the Safeguard of the Referendum to the Constitution.—Then neither a Capital Levy nor a replica of the Fordney- McCumber Tariff can be carried behind the People's back. On page 794 of this issue will be found a suggested form of question on the Referendum to be addressed to Candidates. The SPECTATOR question is not an attempt to tie Candidates to a hard-and-fast pledge. No Candidate who refuses to give support- to the -Poll of the People can call himself a Democratic Unionist. Readers who have obtained a favourable reply from Candidates should inform us. We shall gsk all Unionists and Anti-Socialists to give their support to such reformers of the Constitution. (1) Vote Unionist. —There is no other effective way 9f vetoing the Capital Levy, of preventing the return of Mr. Lloyd George to power, and of encouraging a serious attempt to grapple with the problem of Unemployment. The Liberals have nothing to offer as regards Unemployment. The Labour Party offers only a stone—a system of revo- lutionary taxation which, instead of setting more men to work, as Sir Josiah Stamp shows in his aVhoritative article which .we publish this week, will cause a*despread depres- -4*