No Spanish Sovereign Has Visited Italy Since The 'sixties Of
last century, but King Alfonso, with his Prime Minister, is now at Rome. It is a notable event. It is remarkable also that King Alfonso. went straight to the Vatican and......
Great Britain Is Also A Mediterranean Power, And It Seems
to us that our Government ought to co-operate in a friendly way with countries where our friendship would not be spurned or our advice habitually rejected, rather than squander......
The Duty Of Continuing The Work Of The Inter-allied...
however, is on a very different footing. That duty is imposed upon us by the Treaty of 'Versailles, and there is no dispute about its necessity. The German Government also......
The: Sheffield Corporation. Has Set A Splendid Example In...
As we learn. from a letter to the Times by Mr. T. J. Clark, the average cost per mile of main- taining the Sheffield roads for the five. years before the War was £246. For the.......
" We Got To Have Help," Is His Battle Cry,
and the cry carries because it is true: - " We farmers (said Mr. Magnus Johnson in an interview with the New York Evening Post) bought land-and farm machinery and bor- rowed......
Unfortunately; We Cannot Quite Follow Our Friends The...
building great hopes upon this instance of Allied unity, for M. Poineare; instead , of untwisting the screw in connexion with reparations and the occupied territory, . has gone......
Our Readers- May Perhaps Notice That We Devote This Week
considerably more space to the annotated lists which. we have for some time published. under the heading. of "'The Recreations of London." So. many readers have been kind enough......
We Much. Regret To. Record The Death At The Age
of eighty-seven of Dr. Clifford; the well-known .Nonconformisi. leader. It is hardly too much to say that he was the- soul of nearly every great Nonconformist movement' :for......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent., Changed From 8 Per Cent.
July 5; 1-923 ; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 1001 Thursday week, 100 ; a year ago, 99g.......