We much. regret to. record the death at the age
of eighty-seven of Dr. Clifford; the well-known .Nonconformisi. leader. It is hardly too much to say that he was the- soul of nearly every great Nonconformist movement' :for more than a generation. He. had the power both to attract and to sway men. In his pulpit he was a great force; but he by no means confined. himself to his pulpit. Outside it he' was. a- redoubtable Liberal speaker and organiser. It was he who was responsible for the passive resistance to the Balfour Education Act. He was as vehemently opposed to the Boer - War. in 1899 as he. was ardently in support of British arms in. 1914, and in both. instances. he helped: to form the judgment of hundreds of thousands.
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