On the other hand, the most ardent Tariff Reformer would
find much, if not all, he wants in Mr. Baldwin's manifesto. We are to raise revenue by taxing the foreigner, protect our home industries, grow rich by excluding foreign imports, etc. Certainly, Mr. Baldwin's is an intelligent Election manifesto. Since then Mr. Baldwin has developed -his theme, particularly in a fighting speech at the Queen's Hall on Monday night. On Tuesday Lord Birkenhead began his promised support by a speech at the Constitutional Club. He would have .preferred the whole of Mr. Joseph Chamberlain's policy, but he welcomed the part. So did Lord Balfour, who spoke after him ; but he seemed rather doubtful of the result of the Election. Mr. Austen Chamberlain, who spoke third; warned Unionist Free Traders of the danger of not supporting the -Government. * * * *