Captain Hosken has made his report to the Directors of
the Great Western Steam-ship Company on the loss of the Great Britain. In a minute dated the 20th instant, the directors of the company declare themselves satisfied that the primary cause of the disaster was the omission of St. John's light in the chart used by Captain Hosken. The directors improve the occasion by putting forward a suggestion for the prevention of similar disasters. They propose that an act of Parliament should be passed imposing heavy penalties on all Admiralty agents who shall sell charts without an annual certificate by the authorities of their cor- rectness, and on all private venders who shall fail to obtain similar certificates from the Customs. The minute also sanctions the measures recommended by Mr. Paterson for protecting the ship until a further effort can be made to get her off.
A verdict of "Wilful murder" has been found by the Coroner's Jury against Sarah Chesham, who was suspected of poisoning her two children, at Clavering in Essex.