Music- Fantaisie Gracie= Pour Is Piano, :jur Des Melodies De
Bellini. Par S. Thalberg. Souvenir de Pesth; Airs Hongrois Varies, pour is Piano. Par S. Thalberg. These, which are the most recent productions of the great pianist of the day,......
Fine Arts.
THE THENCH-WTATT-WELLENGTON STATUE. Tim scaffolding that screened the equestrian colossus has been removed, and the monster statue stands out against the sky. It appears no such......
Military Gazette.
Was-orrioz, Oct. 20.-8th Light Drags.—AssIst.-Surg. G. Summons, from the 73d Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Blake, promoted on the Staff. let or Grenadier Foot Guards—Ensign and......
Publications Received.
The Emigrant. By Sir Francis B. Head, Bart. Wit and Bunton selected from the English Poets; with an Illastratirt Essay, and Critical Comments. By Leigh Hunt. The Recreation; a......