24 OCTOBER 1846, Page 11



Considerable sensation was occasioned in the City this morning by the an- nouncement of the insolvency of the old and respectable house of Messrs. Humans and Company. The transactions of the firm have for some years been of a limited character; but, until the death of Mr. Jeremiah Harman, its operations • . were of importance, and up to the last moment of its existence its credit continued unim The business of the English Stock Market has not been such as to require re- mark. Prices have had a downward tendency during the week, and continued to fall. Today a better feeling has prevailed, and we have to notice an improve- ment to the whole extent of the decline; thus reestablishing the closing quotations of last week. The premium of Exchequer Bills continues the same. The rate of discount is also unchanged, and money upon loan for short periods is easily ob- tainable upon the best security at from 2 to 3 per cent. More interest has attached to the operations of the Foreign Market during the last few days than for some time before; though the business has not been ex- tensive.

Mr. Murphy, the Mexican Minister, has published a very long statement of the reasons that induced him to withhold publication of the decree of the Mexican Minister of Finance annulling the recent conversion of the Stock of the Republic, and a defence of his own proceedings in the air. In substance he states, that in the recent conversion the instructions of the Government have been strictly adhered to; that the amount of Mexican Stock has been strictly limited to that authorized by the decree, viz. 10,241,560L; and that the alteration in the terms of the conversion, consequent upon and in accordance with the resolutions adopted at the meeting of the Bondholders on the 18th May, was strictly in harmony with instructions received from Mexico, "by which Mr. Murphy was authorized to re- move any difficulty that might oppose itself to the execution of the said decree." Under this authority, it is contended that all the alterations made in the Govern- ment propositions are clearly justifiable. The non-promulgation of the recent decree annulling the conversion is justified upon theground that Mr. Murphy was anxious tc1 enable the Finance department of Mexico to retrace its steps,—which upon deliberation, he feels assured they will do; and also "because the removal of a Minister Plenipotentiary is not an attribute of the department of Finance." The first effect of the promulgation of this document was to give an increased impulse to Mexican Bonds. That movement has not, however, been continued, and the price has fallen back about 4 per cent from the highest quotation. The improvement occasioned in Portuguese Bonds on Saturday afternoon arose from an express having been received bringing intelligence of the movement in Lisbon. On Monday, when the news became generally known, a further advance in the price of the Bonds occurred; and though the market has since fallen back again, it is firmer than it had been for some time; the present change being viewed with satisfaction by all the capitalists connected with the Peninsula. It is believed that one of the first measures of the new Finance Minister will be the revocation of the recent decree imposing a tax of 20 per cent upon the dividends of the Foreign Debt. Spanish Stock had risen with the conclusion of the marriages, but has again declined, and is today about 1 per cent below our last quotations.

The Railway Shares have experienced some fluctuation; having been on the advance at the commencement of the week, again falling back, and being today rather firmer. Most of the better class are in demand. The North British are recovering from the depression occasioned by the late disaster on the works. At- tention is attracted to the South-eastern, Brighton, and South-western, by the report of an intended amalgation of the three lines under one direction; and the prices of all have improved. The Foreign lines are all heavy. Some slight demand appears to exist for the Luxembourg, and the price has advanced a httle. East Indian are also hi some large business occurred in them, it being understood that the East India Company have agreed to guarantee an interest of 4 per cent upon the capital. employed.


No change requiring notice has occurred in the prices of the English or Foreign Funds. Spanish Bonds are firm at the morning's quotations. The business transacted hi Railway Shares has been of a general character; in many cases the prices of yesterday have been supported, and in some an advance realized. We have to record the occurrence of the following bargains. Aberdeen, 15; Aurbergate, Notts, and Boston, 31 24; Birmingham and Gloucester, 129; Ditto, New, 314; Caledonian, 214; Ditto, Half-shares, 11; Eastern Counties, New, 211 4; Great Western, Half-shares, 794; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 194; Ditto, Pith-shares, 31; Hull and Selby, 1084; Ditto, Half-shares. 581 4; London and North-western, 199 200 198; Ditto, Quarters, 161 17; Ditto, Fifths, 204; London and Brighton, 601 601; London and South-western, 714; Manchester and Birmingham, 75/ 6; Midland, 1371; Scottish Central, 204; Scottish Midland, 104 11; South-eastern and Dover, New, No. 2,14; Dutch-Rhenish, 54; East Indian, i; Great Northern of France, Constituted, 1244; Luxembourg, 14; Namur and Liege, 31; Over Yssel, 24; Paris and'Houen, 36.

4 per Cent Consols 941 5

Danish Spar Cents 86 8 Ditto for Account 951

Dutch 4 per Cents

581 591 3 per Cent Reduced 931 i Ditto 4 per Cents.

92 1 84 per Cents

954f Mexican 5 per Cents 1846...

22f 34

Long Annuities .. 9 13-16 15-16 New Grenada 201 211 Bank Stock 205 207 Portuguese New 5 p. Cis. 1941 42 4 Exchequer Bills prem. 13 16 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 41 3 India Stock

Russian 5 per Cents 110 III Brazilian 5 per Cents .. .....

8,5 7 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents

264 1 Belgian 41 per Cents 97 8 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842

374 4

Chilbin 6 per Cents 979 Venezuela 41 3 Columbian ex Venezuela.... 16 16


The English Funds are not quite so firm as yesterday; very little business has, however, occurred, and the quotations are h per cent lower. The only noticeable circumstance in the Foreign Market is an improvement of per cent in both varieties of Spanish Stock. No business of moment has taken place in the Rail- way Shares; and we can as yet only notice the following bargains; Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 61 4; Eastern Counties, 21/; Great Western, New, 74; Midland, 137; North British, Half-shares, 151 1; Ditto, Quarter shares, 91; Preston and Wyre, Half-shares, 7; South Wales, 41; York and Newcastle, 42; Ditto, New, 17 14