They were, if we are to believe the "thin sheet,"
directed towards reducing the importance of the Franco-Russian entente. Russia took France by the hand only with the object of securing European peace, for France isolated was uneasy, and a source of anxiety. "Freed from these anxieties, she now ceases to be an element of uneasiness for other countries." Besides, the mutual inclinations of the two nations were in the direction of an understanding. "Are not the Russians the French of the North ?" The only possible points of friction between Italy and Russia are the Dardanelles and Bulgaria. But the first of these is settled, while " as for the Bulgarian question, there is no ground at present for reopening it. The Czar's Government is in no hurry, and it will avoid needlessly raising a question which would disquiet Europe." Speaking generally, " never has Russia done, or assisted or encouraged anybody in doing, any- thing indicative of anything but good-will towards Italy?" We shall, of course, have an official denial, but we expect that sentiments very much of this kind were expressed by M. de Giers, and that it was agreed that their general drift should leak out. Diplomatic secrets which it is to the interest of the Powers concerned to be known, always "transpire." .