24 OCTOBER 1891, page 22

Marie Louise And The Invasion Of 1814. By Imbert De

Saint- Amend. Translated by Thomas Sergeant Perry. (Hutchinson. and Co.)—There is not much—indeed, there could not be much— about Marie Louise in this volume. She was......

Nervous Exhaustion : Its Causes, Outcome, And Treatment....

Tyrrell, M.R.C.S. Eng. (Kogan Paul, Trench, and Co.)— We can claim no authority to pass any professional opinion on a work which, like this, is purely medical ; but we may draw......

The Humours Of Cynicus. (published At His Studio, 59 Drury

Lane.)—No little trouble and money have been spent on this volume. The drawings are good, and often funny, while the colouring is decidedly successful. But we really do not see......

Born In The Purple. By Emma Marshall. (nisbet And Co.)—a

" Baroness in her own right " is an interesting personage, espe- cially when she is young, pretty, and rich, and Mrs. Marshall has made doubtless a judicious choice in selecting......

Toilers In Art. Edited By Henry C. Ewart. (isbister And

Co.) —Here are eighteen sketches of artists, English and Continental, living or dead, by various writers. The first is "John Tenniel," by Robert Walker. Almost continuously for......

Possible Plays For Private Players. By Constance O'brien....

and Co.)—We may include under this heading a little volume which certainly may give a great deal of entertain- ment. It contains four plays which are certainly possible, because......

Mr. Percy M. Stone Is Engaged On A Work Of

very considerable interest, The Architectural Antiquities of the Isle of Wight from the Eleventh to the Sixteenth Centuries. (The Author, 16 Great Marl- borough Street.) We have......

Theology And Ceitichol—the Epistles - Of St. Paul To The...

Thessalonians, and Timothy, by the Rev. W. F. Sadler (G. Bell and Sons), and from the same author and publishers, Titus, Philemon, and the Hebrews, — useful works both of them,......