Possible Plays for Private Players. By Constance O'Brien. (Griffith, Farran,
and Co.)—We may include under this heading a little volume which certainly may give a great deal of entertain- ment. It contains four plays which are certainly possible, because they have been already acted, which do not req wire many characters (two are for five, and two are for four), which can be presented without any very elaborate scenery and accompaniments, and which are harmless. They are meant, it must be understood, for grown-up people rather than children.—" Twenty Minutes" Drawing-Room Duologues, by Harriet L. Childe Pemberton (same publishers), is another volume of easy pieces for performance by amateur actors. Brevity and simplicity in the matter of scenery are among their recommendation. The title of " Twenty Minutes " is given them, as far as we can make out, because most of them require a shorter time for performance, and one of them a longer. As far as we have examined them, they seem sufficiently well adapted for their purpose.