24 OCTOBER 1896, Page 24

Souvenirs of Tante Claire (Mdlle. "tuber* Translated from the French

by Mrs. C. H. Gordon. (David Douglas, Edinburgh.)- "Tante Claire" is, as will be seen, the name of affection by which Mdlle. Aubert was known to her family and intimate friends. Her biography may be told in a very few words. She devoted herself to the care of three orphans, the children of her sister. This care was shared by a relative, Mona. Ami Bordier, and in this volume we have, in the shape of letters, for the most part written by Mdlle. Aubert, with a few from M. Bordier, the record of this devotion. All through we see intelligence, culture, and humour, and an affectionate tenderness which inspires the whole. There is too a note of frankness and courage, for the writer was not one to deceive others or herself. But the book is one to be commended, not criticised.