24 OCTOBER 1896, page 17

Dogs And Bicycles.

[To TIM EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." ] SIR,—As a bicyclist I have been much interested in the subject you discuss in the Spectator of October 17th, and I have observed a marked......


THE OLD VILLAGE CHURCH. HERE, on a gently swelling perch, Backed by a straggling strip of wood, Half in the village stands the church, Half in a sacred solitude :— A. square......

Church Notices.

[To THE EDITOR OF TER SPECTATOR.") SIR,—I heard the following announcement made by the precentor many years ago at the close of the service in a country place in Scotland :—" It......

The Proposed Doctors' Union.

[To THE EDITOR Of TITS "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, —Your admirable article in the Spectator of October 3rdl on the proposed Doctors' Union, in which you point out the difficulties, and......

Birds In The Soudan.

[To THE EDITOR OF TEl SPECTATOR."] Sin,—I have a son, an officer serving in the Egyptian Army, who is very fond of observing bird-life; so also am I. It occurs to me that the......

Baron Thiebault.

[TO TRH EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR-1 SIR,—I do not know that it is any part of a translator's duties to take up the cudgels in support of his author's credibility; but you will......

"bike" Or " Wheel "

[To Till EDITOR OF TEl`SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The late William Barnes, the Dorset poet, who was a careful philologist, objected strongly to the needless use of words derived from......

The Late Primate.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " 8PR0TATOTO1 SIR,—Will you allow me to correct a mistake you made in the opening part of the Spectator of October 17th, that the late Primate was the......