24 OCTOBER 1896, Page 24

We welcome with pleasure another volume, the fourth, of Chums

: an Illustrated Paper for Boys (Cassell and Co.) The frontispiece is a spirited picture of a lad rescued from a shark. The contents gives the same variety of entertainment as usual. There are six serial stories, some of which we shall have the oppor- tunity of separately noticing. One is a tale of school-life ; another brings us "Among Anarchists;" a third takes us " Over the Rolling Waves." Short stories are to be counted by the score. There are the usual interviews. J. H. Taylor, the "ex-Golf-Champion," recommends his game for boys. " There is nothing like leather," and we venture to think that though golf is good, there are games that are much better,—for boys. For mature age golf is the best, for old ago the only game. Mr. MacGregor gives some interesting experiences "Behind the Stumps." We must raise again what we fear is an ineffectual protest against the prize system. These appeals to greed are really revolting.