Traditions and Rearthside Stories of Iirest Cornwall. By W. Dattrell.
(Trialener.)—Mr. Bottroll, who calls himself "an old Colt," has collected some curious information, which, however, ho does not arrange in a very- attractive form, and some quaint stories that are not particularly well told. Cornish superstitions and ghost szories, the proceedings of wizards and witches, legends of giants,—a race which has always abounded in this extreme western land, stories of the quaint sayings and doings of. local "originals,' make up the volume, of which we may say that it might be readable, rather than that it is. We notice that the curious. Roman anagram, "SATOR, AREPO, TIME; OPERA, ROTAS," which has- been found among the Roman remains of Ciconium or Cirencester, is spoken of as having been used as a charm by the Cornish wise man,,_ or "Pellar," as he is called.