Two Other Addresses Besides The President's Were Of The...
popular interest. To one, Sir John Lubbock's, on his favourite savages, we have referred at some length elsewhere. The other was Professor Tyndall's, on "The Scientific Uses of......
A Good Story Is Told Of A Little Paris Urchin
who, urged by an English resident to cry " Vive in Rdpublique !" gave the vivat - with all his might. Thereupon the tempter, pulling out two sous, -said, "Now, cry Vive......
It Is Said That The Same M. Rothschild Whose Villa
at Ferrieres has been used by Count Bismarck for the negotiations with M. Jules Fevre has enrolled himself among the National Guard of Faris, and is taking of course his full......
An Appeal Has Been Made From The Seat Of War
for sufferers who seem to be in even more urgent need of help than the sick and wounded themselves. A Daily News' correspondent, who wrote from amongst the volunteers for the......
Professor Tyndall Concluded His Lecture By A Passage On The
de- velopment theory, in which he contended that if our traditional view of matter had been Goethe's view, that matter is "the living gar- ment of God," instead of Young's, who......
The British Association Broke Up Last Wednesday, After A...
which, though it had some of the interest taken out of it by the war, was full of interest. The lucid address of the President, Professor Harley, of which we gave a brief notice......
We Are Glad To See That The Working-men Of London
are beginning to take steps to secure themselves a substantial influence over the mew metropolitan School Board, which will consist, we believe, in all, of sixty members, and......
The Controversy As To The Conduct Of The Prussian Army
at and after Sedan, in the terrible affair of the burning of Bazeilles, and the subsequent treatment of the surrendered army, has been going on briskly all the week, Mr. Alfred......