SIR,—May I suggest that where Dr. Toynbee finds the '
Chosen People' pattern in history text-books it is due to unthinking repetition of past ideas and words, for I do not think that this belief about ourselves is alive and active today. It survives in this unconscious way and is not thought out, partly because the doctrine of Election is orthodox Christian doctrine.
But the doctrine, in its related political aspect, is no longer held, as is seen, for example, in our acceptance of the indepen- dence of India, which would have been incon- ceivable in the Victorian era, the heyday of the belief.
Unfortunately just at the time when we have given up the belief the Communists
have adopted it and with it have the force which results from a strong religious emotion. Their sense of election, knowing that they arc right and so being certain of victory, Is what makes it so difficult to deal with them.
So, though it is desirable and would be easy to clear our history text-books of this, by now, passive bias, what can we do to bring about the same action by Communist teachers 7—Yours faithfully,•
Wray Vicarage, A mbleside, Westmorland