Letters 'to The Editor
SHOULD CHURCHES BE SAVED ? SIR,-1 am sorry That the Archdeacon of Leeds has come out in open support of the proposal to' demolish the noble church of Holy Trinity, Leeds, for......
Pattern Of History
SIR,-1I is ironically amusing to find in an article by Professor Toynbce, which sets out to extol the elimination of unconscious prejudice from the teaching of history, this......
The Crisis In The Church Of England
SIR,—Here in Wales we have the different schools of thought in varying degrees; but, generally speaking, they in no wise interfere with the happy personal relationships that......
The Sharp-hand Artist
SIR.—Many who have spent a lifetime in India will recognise the Sharp-hand Artist's application for a post as given in Tam bimuttu's article in your issue of Septem- ber 3. More......
Sir,—may I Suggest That Where Dr. Toynbee Finds The '
Chosen People' pattern in history text-books it is due to unthinking repetition of past ideas and words, for I do not think that this belief about ourselves is alive and active......
Cinema Romeoandjuliet. (odeon, Leicester Square. —salt Of...
A Time Out of War. (National Film Theatre.) ONE, doubts whether the cinema can ever come satisfactorily to grips with the great Shakespearian tragedies: cut the poetry, as......