Perch Fishing
Perch are the small boy's fish, I have always been told. Anyone can catch them, and I suppose that where perch arc present in a river or lake it takes no great skill, and anyone can catch a few of a particular size. They are greedy fish and not a little pugna- cious. They are also, in my opinion, a beautiful fish. 1 was a small boy when I caught my first. They were all of one size because they came from one shoal. As often happens, I dropped my line in the shoal and the fish took the worm until the shoal was no more. Afterwards, learning a little about them, I discovered that when a perch gets away, its brothers appear to learn that there is danger about and no more are catight. The first nip of autumn is in the air. It is perch fishing weather. Very soon 1 expect to make a visit to a lake where I can 'spin. The perch I hope to catch are a little bigger than those I had long ago. To vary my autumn day I hope that now and then my line will stop and a strong pike come swirling round to make his first run. I have had many minor diseases and pasSions in my time but fishing is one of which 1 never ask to be cured.