24 SEPTEMBER 1954, Page 31


Two nrkes are awarded each week - a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Cete- ra1. Dictionary and a book

ate,, f o t- one gal e a. These will be as anted to the .seeders 0/ the first tseii COMO snlurions opened alter on Tuesday week.

t.o b 5. and oildrriseit Crossword 8(11.

■ 01 Gower .lt. London, W.C.I.

Notation rr1111! Ire on the lefiln here printed.The solution and the names of the winners will be pufrished In the following Issue.

ACROSS: I Said the old General, introducing himsclf measuredly (6).

4 Ape toils to destroy (RI. 10 Smooth out the enraged aristocrat (7). 11 One who did would have incurred Mrs. Battle's wrath (7), 12 The furry tree-dweller has no idea of his family (10). 13 Sartorial bargain (4). 15 The girls arc emerging, it seems (7). 17 'Where arc the now That strew the green lap of the new come Spring ? ' (Shakes- peare) (7). 19 New in transatlantic journals (7). 21 Teller of fishy tales ? (3, 4). 23 One of our great ancestors ? (4). 24 They ought to make the place look brighter (10). 27 ' Beneath those rugged elms, that -'s shade' (Gray) (3. 4). 28 You should get this in bogy (7).

29 A bit of Rome in Lancashire ? (8). 30 A bit's needed to complete this (6).

DOWN: 1 Gin sold by a literary figure (9). 2 What ails \lam ? It's contagious (7). 3 Reason for a country's dearth of minerals ? (10).

5 A poor levy in poor French (9). 6 ' An oyster may he crossed in --' (Sheridan) (4). 7 Expect the crooked cane, you'll get it side- ways (7). 8 Finish of a popular exercise (3. 2). 9 It's ripe for a change (4). 14 She wouldn't expect good results if she 3 (10). 16 This kind of job wouldn't he fancied by a moss-gatherer (9). 18 Petrified birds for a poet (9). 20 Make good almost everything (7). 22 Irving's schoolmaster (7). 23 No rain in the. stratosphere ? (3, 2). 25 Uncle's in jug ! (4). 26 'Unborn to-morrow and dead yesterday, Why - about them if today he sweet 7 ' (Fitzgerald) (4).

Solution will be published on October 8.

The winners of Spectator Crossword No. 7sts) arc as follows: First prize to Ma. H. I. "Earl's Riding." li2rkliamsted. Herts., and second prize to Ma. T. Seam, 206 Sandycornbe Road, Richmond, Surrey.