NEWS OF THE WEEK. - IT is calculated that the stagnation
of trade in France, within the last three months, has caused a deficiency in the revenue equal to nearly half a million sterling : the year's deficit is estimated at about two millions.
The Chambers have been chiefly occupied with the petitions of the distressed vine-groWers. The taxes on wine (at least so argue the petitioners) have led to an enormous accumulation of the infe- rior sorts, and consequently to ruinously low prices. We have noticed this circumstance in the " Topics of the Day." The most burdensome impost appears to be the octroi, or duty levied on the wine consumed in towns. The Government excise is uniform ; the octroi varies greatly in different places. We cannot find much fault with the local taxes of our neighbours, when we remember the octroi on a much more necessary article—coals—which we are content to pay in this great city.
M. GAUTIER has proposed to the Chamber of Deputies tore- duce the five per cent Stock to four per cents ; which would effect a saving of thirty millions of francs, and to apply the sinking-fund to the public works, or the remission of taxes. There is a news- paper report that our Ministers contemplate the reduction of the threes. We do not believe Rentitled to the slightest notice. The Massager des Chambres of Wednesday, denies that the French Ministry mean to adopt M. GAUTIER'S advice. The funds, which had fallen, have rallied since the Massager's announcement.