25 APRIL 1829, page 11

Suspicious Coincidence.

" Where they do agree, their unanimity is wonderful." IT is what the newspapers themselves would call a curious coin- cidence, that in their accounts of Easter and Christmas......

The Irishman Of The Stage.

'WE have of late years had a succession of admirable novels from Irish writers, the scenes of which have been laid on Irish ground. The new forms of pleasantry in which these......

Poets And Painters—tee Pandemonium.

Mr. BURFORD, in opening a representation of Mierox's Pande- monium to the public as' a panorama, has ventured on a bold step; and Mr. SLOUS, the gentleman who has furnished the......

The Professional Concert.

Tins concert must be regarded as a link in the history of those transactions connected with the Opera-house, which, previous to the commencement of the present season, engaged......