The Rev. Samuel Smith, M.A. of Christ Church, has been instituted by the Lardi Bishop of Ely to the Rectory of Dry Drayton, Cambridgeshire, on the presentation' of the Very Rev. Samuel Smith, D.D. Dean of Christ Church, the patron, and late- incumbent of the living. The Rev. Charles Gower Boyles, M.A. of Exeter College, to the Rectory of Burl- ton, near Petersfield, Hants, vacant by the decease of the Rev. B. Poulter. The Rev. Dr. Hurlock, twenty-five years Curate of Dedham, to the Rectory of Longhorn, in Essex, on the voluntary resignation of the Rev. Dr. Dowdeswell in his- favour.
The Rev. George Davys, M.A. Principal Master to her Royal Highness the Prin-- eves Victoria, to the Rectory of Allhallows, London, vacant by the death of the Venerable Archdeacon Nares ; patron, the Lord Chancellor. The Rev. Robert Eyres Landor. 51.A. has been instituted to the Rectory of Bir- lington, Worcestershire, void by the resignation of the Rev. Alexander Luders, the, last incumbent.
The Mayor and Corporation of Hereford have elected the Rev. H. L. Bamford,. A.M. to the Chaplainship of Price's Hospital, vacant by the death of the Rev. J.. Pugh, LL.B.
The Living of Whitchurch, Salop, which extends into Cheshire, has been given to the Rev. Dr. Tatham, of Lincoln College. It is worth 30001. a-year, and was held by the late Earl of Bridgewater. 51.11.13. the Duke of Cambridge has been pleased to appoint the Rev. Edward Curtis Kemp, M.A. of East Dereham, Rector of Whissonsett, Norfolk, to be one of his domestic chaplains. The Lord Bishop of Ely has collated the Rev. Edward Bower Sparke, A.M. to a Pretendal stall in the Cathedral Church of Ely, vacant by the resignation of the Rev.- Benjamin Parke, A.M.