Tuesday, Ain.i/ 21.
G. It. Morgan, E. M. Will and M. Wayne, Gadleys, Glarnorganshire, coal and iron-masters ; as far as regards F.111. NVilliains-Czumegie and Peat, Edinburgh, silk-mercers-Qtrick and Chown, Stonehouse, Devonshire, millers-Wheel:don and Gill, Manchester, cabinet-makers-J. and J. Hargreaves and \V. Landless, Marsden, Lancashire, coal-miners-T. Wi II:luso!' and W. Barnsdale, Grantham, Lineal usli i re, carriers by water-11. and B. Ja,epli, Exeter, silversmiths-F. and S. Meisel!, Bir- mingham, manufacturers of patent leather-T. 131oxham and W. M. B. Duckett, Northleach, Glucestershire, mercers-E. and It. Sykes, Edgcley, Cheshire, bleachers -Haywood, Hie elicliffe, eand Co. Sheffield, merchants-Arrowsmith and Bignett, Salford, Lncashire, common-brewers-T, ned E. Thomas, Neath, Glamorganshire, linen-drapers-Appleby, '‘Calker, and Co. Itenisletw, 11.211)V:41Mo, iron-founders ; as far as regards E. Appleby, and rite executors ut"It. Appleby-T. and .1. Palmer, Wor- cester, hop-merchants -17 :Old J. Williams, jun. Liverpool, team.owners-.1. Stone and W. Bacon, TetIntry, Gloce.dershire, attornies-A. Campbell and Co. Man- chester, small-ware-manufacturers-`L, W., and S. eIoniteastle, Edinburgh and Manchester-.T. and T. Woodlouse, Broughton, Yorkshire, farmers-Hilton and Williams, Liverpool, cart-owners ; as far as regard!! J.Hilton-J.Reid and Co. Aber- deen, grocers-31. and II. Ford, Bristol, confectioners-4V. Malcolm and G. Gray, Kensington, and Old Brampton, nurserymen-S. W. Butler and C. Clid; Sheffield, theatrical managers-J. Burn and T. Strickland, Leeds, stone-masons-N. Boling- broke, J. H. Yallop, J. Athow, C. N. Bolingbroke, and R. de Carle, Norwich, wine and spirit-merchants; as tar as regards R. de Carle-J. Wilily and Co. George-street, Blackfriars-road, hat-manufacturers-J. Young and T. Hewitt, Tuxford, Notting- hamshire, mercers-Tucker and Co. Tuckenhay, Devonshire, manufacturers of sail- cloth-Salennonson, Troughton, and Co. Birchiu-lane, Lombard-street, bill-brokers-r. M. A. M,Donnell and M. Maythorn, Stratford, Essex, straw-bonnet.makers-B. M. and J.G. Senior, Aldermanbury, wholesale druggists-J. M. and C. Oliver, Bishops- gate-street-without, and Tottenham-court-road, boot and shoe-makers-Whitehouse and Jones, Gray's-inn-square, atomics -J. Bromley, jun. and G. Hood, Worcester, coal-merchants-S. E. Smith and W. F. Pater, Islington, tea-dealers.
JOSEPH Licisv', Redbourn, Hertfordshire, innkeeper, to surrender May I, 5, June 2, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitors, Messrs. Watson and Broughton, Falcon-square. Mtn s. MAYS ON, Keswick, Cumberland, nurseryman, May 19, 20, June 2, at the Globe Inn, Cockermouth : solicitors, Messrs. Chishohne, Hall, and Gibson, Lin- coln's-inn-Gelds.
HARVEY Baolvx, Red Lion-street, Whitechapel, baker, May 1, 5, June 2, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Thomson, George-street, M nodes.
HEN ay THORNTON, Myth, Nottinghamshire, grocer, April 28, June 2, at the White Hart Inn, East Retford s solicitors, Bleesrs. Dawson and Hawkins, New Bos- well-court, Carey-street.
THOMAS TRAVIS, Manchester, merchant, May 7, 9, June 2, at the York Hotel, Manchester : solicitors, Messrs. Makinson and Sanders, Middle Temple.
Muni Wen menet and Senurist Semeire See:ion., Watling-street, warehouse- men, April' 4, Slay 1, June '2, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basingliall-street : solicitors, Messrs. Richardson, Shield, and Francis, Poultry.
BENJAMIN Hu Gnus Do w NIX 0, Liverpool, broker, May 1, 2, June 2, at the office of Mr. Houghton, Liverpool: solicitors, Messrs. Aillington, Gregory, and Faulkner, Bedford-row.
WiLLIAM DAVID Peixe, Red Lion-street, Clerkenwell, irtmfonnder, May 1,8, June 2, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Tanner, New liasinghall-street.
SAMUEL COTTLE and .1 oux Were', Carey-lane, Cheapside, auctioneers, April 2e, May 5, June 2, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basingliall-street solicitors, Messrs. Watson and Broughton, Falcon-square.
May 19, W. Ellman (and not S. Ellman, as advertised in the last Gazelle) Lam- beth, miller-May 0, .1. Cooper, S11111'11;11, Shropshire, grocer-Slay 0, H. Meeski, St. .1:ones's-square, tailor-Me y Id, 11. Clarke, Ware, Hertfordshire, linen-draper-May 11:1111;es, Lincoln, io antler-Slay 20, NV. Bates, Halifax, woolstapler-M ay 15, E. English and A. B. Beck, Bath, upholsterers-Slay 22, 1'. Dunlap, Pontefract, Yorkshire, grocer-May 22, ./. Myth, bury St. Ethannek, draper-May 19, W. Horn- blow, Acre-lane, Clapham, master-mariner-May 12, I.:. G. 'Trivet, Birellitt-lane, printer-May !3, J. Alderton Norwich, carpenter-May 12, C. Jervis, Hinckley,
Leicestershire, banker-flay '1'. Tom son, Cambridge, stone-mason-Slay 12, S. Hill, Kiddertninster, tolior-May 12, J. Ilaitgoutl, jun. Macclesfield, silk-rnanufac- turer-May 1, NV. Row, jun. Little St. Thomas the Apostle, skin-broker.
TO TM gron'f ea, vans; cause be shown to the contrary on or before 11Tay 12.
J. Knowiing, Exeter, builder-G. Sykes, Sheffield, optician-G. Lodge, Tower- street, wine-broker-J. Blyth, Bury St.Edinunds, draper-J. Te4siniond, Leek, Staf- fordshire, silk-munufacturer-T. Bleasdale, Chorley, Lane:rehire, ironmonger.
Friday, April 21. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.. ;le Aiery and II. Booth, North Allston, Yorkshire, nailenurnufacturers-J. Y. Rand and W. Jeffs, Green-walk, Biackfriars-road, brewers-T. Allan and J. Wartmhy, jun. 13:n1k-chambers, stock-brokers-C. Poarso a and Frog!tatt, John-street, Adelpl 5, :atomics- V. lturniey and W. 111'Cartlty, Port sin slopsellers-11. and C. Hy- kilts, 13artholoniew-lane, stock-brokers-W. Field and.' 3 . Jones, Birmingham, white- smiths-Heyrvooti and Batman, Manchester, sin:di-ware manufacturers-It. mal 11. IL Harraden, Cambridge, Artists-Singleton and ]Edmondson, Clitheroc Lanca- shire, tallow-cliandlers-j. Chrisitn:is and W. Bouslield, WIliteeballebrOaA, taibu'S -Jones and Griffis, Birmingham, gun-makers-4V. Fripp and Co. Bristol, s..ap- manufacturers ; as far as regard, NV. Fripp, jun.-J. Lees and Sons, Itcsliottont, Gorl on, and Manchester, cotton-spinners-Pope, Southall, and Co. Blackman-street, Soothe:ark, woollen-drapers-P. Taylor and .1. Martineau, City-road, enginecus- D. and D. Woodley, St. Marychurch, Devonshire, stone-masons-Law, Atkin, and Oxley, Sheffield, cutlers; as far as regards J. Law-De Berekein and Pawle, Cushion-court, Broad-street, stuck-brokers.
April 2 I -.Melt Y and HANNAH BLAKE, Croydon, schoolmistresses.
April. 22-WILL:AM BEST, Wolverhampton, factor.
April 2-1-J onN GoODILAND PARK E It, York, wine-merchant. WILLIAM JOHN FosTie.a., Guildford, watch-maker.
JOHN BEART, Great yarmouth, Norfolk, money-scrivener, front May8 to May 14.
JOHN HORDEN, JOHN Wo OD, sold JOHN CROSSE, Lad-lane, warehousemen.
• I:A:vette exs.
CHARLES JEAN BAPTISTE Poxs, Regent-street, milliner, to surrender May 5, 12, June 0, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Watford, Grarton-street, Bond-street.
.16 ;IN Caoss, Croydon, grocer, May 0, 12, Jame .5, at the Bankrupts' Court, Ba- einehell-street : solicitor, Mr. Blake, Essex-street, strand.
HARTIN, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, Bum:draper, May 5, II, June fi, at the Plough Inn, Wentock solicitor, Mr. Beche, Devonshire-street, rent..en.square.
Tit ones GA LLIm OR le, Burstein, Staffordshire, earthenware-menufact Liver, Slay 20, 27, June 0, at the Leopard Inn, Burstein solicitor, Sir. Watford, Grafton- street, liond-street.
J EnEmIA II STARK, Kingston-upon-Mill, pawnbroker, May 14, 10, June 0,. at the Cross Keys Inn, Kingston-upon-Hull: solicitors, Messrs. Rosser and Son, Gray's- inn-place, Holborn.
1;;.:N.I.I.AIL NT GRANGER. COLLIS, Colne Eng:dile, Essex, miller, May 7,8, June 0, at the Fleece Inn, Colchester : solicitors, Messrs. Hall, Thompson, and Sewell, Salters'-hall.
GE o tic e I rt ELAND, Birmingham, brass-founder, May 7, 8, June 5, at the Royal Hotel, Birmingham: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke, Richards, and Meth:elf, Lincoln's- inn-Gelds.
J o tux Rot,mxsotv, Stanstield and Great Weinetharn, Suffolk, miller, May 4, June 0, at the One Bell Inn, Bury St. Edmund's : solicitors, Messrs. Dixon and Sons, New Beswell-conrt, Carey-street.
WILLIAM LriWTIIand.3.tssen R'iLsoa,'Nottingham, lace-manufacturers, Hay June 0, tit the Crown Inn, Nottingham : solicitors, Messrs. Hurd and Johnson, Temple.
XViLLIAll MIR s and .To FIELD, Strand, jewellers, Slay 1, 8, .Tune 5, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinglmit street : solicitor, Bin Eicke, Ohl Broad-street.
.1,,tiN Lhasa, Rood-lane, merchant, May I, 9, June 9, at the Bankrupts' Court, 13:1,11e:hall-street: solicitor, Mr. Templer, Great Tower-street,
Tiro mes KAY, King-street, Covent-garden, linendraper, Slay I, 5, June 5, at the 13ankrupts' Court, Bast ngliall-street : solicitor, Mr. Jones, Size-lane. GEoltort HANSON, Salisbury-square, Fleet-street, commission-agent, May 1, 9, Tune 5, at the Bankrupts' Court, basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Matanle, Pancras- lane.
Eewe an Wenn, jun. Buckingham, victualler, May I, 9, June 5, at the Bank- rupts' Court, 13asingliall-street solicitor, Mr. Browning, Hatton-court, Thread- n; idle-street.
PmLrr LAZARUS, Rosemary-lane, and Blue Anchor-road, Bermondsey, rope- merchant, Slay 1, 3, June 5, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Mitchell, New London-street, Crutchedfriars.
nivin Kens.
May 10, Biakewell, Manchester, glue-manufacturer-May 21, T. W. and J. L. Gill, Coventry, Mercers-May 15, J. R. Townend, Minories, bat-manufacturer- May 20,3. Pearce, Brighthelmstone, stonemason-May IS, G. Manson, Birmingham, draper-May 22, W. Archer, Hertford, oilman-Slay 19, J. Wood, Shoreditch, and Chatham, tinendraper-May 19, F. 13. Rose, High-street, Southwark, dealer-Slay 19, J. Pier, Coleman-street, and 13ishopsgate-within, coach-master.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before May 15.
M. Morrah, Worthing, Sussex, lodging-house-keeper-J. Thompson Great Que- bec-street, Marylebone, merchant-J. Oliver, Blanchester, victualler-T. Ell, Aston-hall, Staffordshire, and Pool-hall, Shropshire, dealer-F. H. Clarke, Birchine lane, provision-broker-11.C. Watkins, Liverpool, eottou-broker.