Vienna papers to the 14th instant arrived this morning. They contain an account of a conflict between the captain and crew of a Tuscan brig and the Greeks of the island of Sapho. Several per- sons were killed. The affair seems to have been caused by a mis- take ; and it can be of no political consequence. The President of Greece is making the tour of his dominions.
Letters from Berlin announce, that a complaint has been made by the Russian Government to the French ambassador at St. Peters- burg, of French officers being allowed to enter the Turkish service without forfeiting their half-pay or pensions.
We are authorized to contradict the report that the naval officer who has left this country for Constantinople, to take the command of the Turkish fleet, had obtained the sanction of the British Govern- ment.
It is stated in the City, that Lord Cochrane is to take the com- mand of the Russian fleet destined to make an attack upon Con- stantinople.
The Irish papers which arrived this morning, contain an account of a conflict between two factions at Ballina, in which one man was killed and several were wounded. It does not, however, appear to
have originated in religious or political 'differences.. .
FRANCE.—At Valenciennes, and in the north generally, the price of corn rose last week. At Lille, however, it kept down, because of the great quan- tity brought from Belgium. This having been principally brought up by per- sons strangers to the town, a disturbance took place, is consequence of which the mayor has put in force a regulation which forbids corn to be -sold in the before eleven o'clock in the Inorning.—Galignani's Messenger. In the Royal Almanack of France, Donna Maria's name is inserted as Queen of Portugal.
FRANKFORT, April 10.—We are now in the midst of the fair, which has so far proved more favourable than was apprehended. Of English manufactures,
of which since the end of last week large quantities have arrived almost daily, very considerable sales have already been made, especially of those articles which are in fashion, and among which we must reckon woollen cloths of British manufacture. The principal articles of Saxon and Swiss manufacture have also met with a good sale, as well as the costly and fashionable French articles. In wool, leather, and cloth, little has yet been done, but it is too early for these great articles ; the leather never commences till the Easte week.
SWITZERLAND.—The Methodists seem to be in mauvaise odeur in Switzer- land. By the last accounts, their meeting-houses at Lausanne and in several other towns have been shut up.
UNITED STATES.—General Jackson had canvassed to such an extent to se- cure his election, that he has been obliged to remove from office every one holding a place of profit, in order to reward his own clamorous adherents.
The House of Delegates of the State of Virginia has passed resolutions de- claring that the " acts of Congress, usually denominated tariff laws," are " partial in their operation, impolitic, and oppressive to a large portion of the people oldie Union, and ought to be repealed."
COLOMBIA.—Bolivar has issued a decree convoking a constituent congress on the 2d of January next year. The powers of the deputies who compose it, says the proclamation, " will be limited to the granting of a permanent constitu- tion to Colombia, comformable to the lights of the age, as well as to the habits and necessities of its inhabitants."
BUENOS AYREs.—It appears from the Buenos Ayres papers of the 24th February, that the provinces on La Plata have placed Buenos Ayres out of the
pale of society. The Congress at Santa Fe had concurred with the Governors of that city in refusing passports to the Delegates of Buenos Ayres. The intercourse of the latter with Chili and Peru is also interrupted. Preparations for war are hastened in all the provinces; the most forward appears to he Paraguay. At Buenos Ayres the declaration for war against Santa Fe was immediately expected. The Provisional President, La Valle, had returned from the interior, where he had completely succeeded in putting down the rebellion under Molina. The second in command, Mesa, had been tried at Bueous Ayres, and shot.
THE KING.—The favourable state of the weather has permitted hislMa- jesty this week to take frequent long drives in the pleasure-grounds of the Castle. His Majesty has not enjoyed better health for years past than he does at present. Every necessary preparation has been made at St. James's Palace for the reception of his Majesty on Monday, to hold a levee and draw- ing-room. His Majesty intends to remain in town until the first week in June.—Morning Advertiser.
It is not expected that his Majesty will return to Windsor Casale again this spring; but will remain in town till towards the approach of Ascot races, when he will take up his residence at the Royal Lodge, which has been un- dergoing great reparations and improvements for some time past, under his Majesty's inspection.—Morning Herald.
THE KING'S Bingn-Day.—Thursday was kept as the anniversary of the King's birth, with the usual public observances. The bells rang, flags flaunted, the Tower guns fired a double royal salute. In the evening the clubhouses, and the shops of his Majesty's tradesmen, were illuminated. There was one sad omission—the wonted procession of mail-coaches ; to the great grief of some,
who see in this another breach of the Constitution not of 1688, we believe, for the almanacks tell us (hat mail-coaches were not invented then. It was remarked with seine surprise that the Atheneum, composed of scavans and illuminati, was the only club-house which exhibited no lights.— ileratd.
At Windsor there was a public dinner, and the town was generally illu- minated at night.
The officers composing the Woolwich garrison gave a splendid ball and supper in honour of the clay.
The Gazette of last night announces that the gentlemen who are to attend the approaching levee are to appear in mourning.
The widow of the Landgrave of Hesse Homburg (the Princess Elizabeth of England) has expressed her determination to continue to reside in the dominions of her late husband.
Prince Leopold is expected in town in the course of a few days. The Duke and Duchess of Saxe Weimar are expected on a visit to the Duke and Duchess of Clarence.
The Duke of Wellington left town on Tuesday for Strathfieldsay. All the Cabinet Ministers are at present in the country, except the Earl of Aberdeen.
Lord Kenyon is about to quit the ungrateful soil of England; for the Con- tinent.
The bust of the Queen of Portugal, by Turnerelli, has been shown to the King at Windsor Palace, and received his Majesty's approbation. Lord Forbes is to be the King's commissioner at the ensuing General Assem- bly of the Church of Scotland.
The Gazette of last night contains a list of eight presentations by his Majesty to churches in parishes in the north of Scotland. The Rev. Alex. Mackenzie to the church at Struntian; the Rev. Duncan Campbell to the church at Aucharacle ; the Rev. John Nicholson to the church at Stenscholl ; the Rev. David Mackenzie to the church at Keanlochbervie ; the Rev. Donald Gordon to the church at Steer, or RImistore ; the Rev. Finlay Cook to the church at Cross ; the Rev. Robert Fiulayson to the church at Knock; and the Rev. William Macqueen to tile church at Trumisgarry.
Mr. Saunderson, of Harley-street, tendon, has been returned to Parlia- ment for the borough of Colchester, in the room of Sir George Henry Smith, who vacated his seat, The Ministerial changes resulting from the opposition given by certain per- sons to the Roman Catholic Relief Bill, will be fewer, and of less import- ance, than was anticipated even by the parties themselves. The whole of what is called the Lonsdale party, who, it will be remembered tendered their
resignation (which tender was received, but not acted upon), will quietly, and without rernark,, resume their functions. The important department of the Woods and Forests, and the confidential office of Judge Advocate-General (the first held by the son, the second by the son-in-law of the Earl of Isms- dale), with some other minor appointments, are to .remain with the present possessors.—Morning Chronicle.
The promised explanations by the Marquis of Anglesey, is expected, we Know not with how much or how little reason, to bring before the House of Lords some parts of the domestic affairs of the Marquis and Marchioness of Westmeath. It has been asserted in the broadest manner, that his refusal to place Lady Westmeath on the Irish pension-list, was the true cause of Lord Anglesey's recall.
It is rumoured that Sir William Best is desirous of being raised to the Peer. age previous to his retirement from the Chief-Justiceship:of the Common Pleas. Chief Justice Warren was on Saturday seized with a paralytic attack at Chester, ant remains in a state that at his age leaves but little hopes of his recovery. His Lordship is perfectly sensible, but cannot speak.
The Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Practice and Proceedings of the Superior Courts of Common Law have given it as their unanimous opinion, that the Welsh Judicature should be abolished ; and that the juris. diction of the several Courts of Great Sessions in the County Palatine of Chester and principality of Wales should be brought under the jurisdiction of the Common Law Courts of Westminster, as exercised generally in England.
FASHIONABLE PARTIES.—On Sunday, Sir George Murray entertained a distinguished party at dinner. On Tuesday, the Dowager Lady Neave enter- tained a select party. On Wednesday, Mrs. B. Thimpson had a large even. ing party.
CITY Fesrivigas.—The Lord Mayor's dinner at the Mansionhouse on Easter Monday was attended by about four hundred and fifty ladies and gen- tlemen. The Morning Chronicle " tasted the various wines out of curiosity; and certainly, for the grand civic file of the first city in Europe, they were of a most extraordinary description."
The Marquis of Cleveland has given 5001. for the relief of the Spitalfields weavers. The Committee, it appears from the statement in some of the papers, are daily relieving upwards of twenty thousand individuals.
The paintings by Rubel's, which adorn the ceiling of Whitehall Chapel, have been lately valued at 86,0001. They are not painted on the ceiling, as is generally supposed, but are on canvass. They are to be taken down, by command of the King, and placed in the National Gallery.—Standard.
New customhouses are to be erected at Brighton and Shoreham.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer has agreed to postpone the collection of the hop-duty, on the petition of the growers. The one half is to be taken ou the 30th of May, and the other on the 30th of September.
An extensive failure in the making trade has taken place at Stowmarket. If the reports in circulation are at all well-founded, some very heavy losses will be sustained by this stoppage.—Morning Chronicle.
We understand that money is raising in this country for some of the states of the North American 'Union, for the purposes connected with their internal improvement. Among them are the states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Louisiana ; and the money is to be applied, it is said., principally to the forma- tion of roads and canals.—Tinzes.
'THE NEW Foram—We learn with great satisfaction, that the heads of our new Police are to be military men. The energy and rapidity of operation to which military men are accustomed, point them out as peculiarly fitted for so laborious an office as that of waging war against the most depraved, but also often the most dextrous, part of the community.—Morning Chronicle.
THE MILITIA.—It is understood that the whole of the laws relating to the militia force will be repealed, and the mode that was adopted during the war, forraising the men by beat of drum instead of ballot, will be resorted to, and a portion of the militia allowed annually to extend their services to the line, which will effect a great saving, by doing away with the present recruiting establishment of the army. A general inspection of the serjeants and drum- mers of the militia staffs is to take place, it being intended in future to retain on constant pay only such as can be useful, and to place those at all times under military control.—Morning Herald.
The intended reduction of -several cavalry regiments is reported in the city.
The new frigate President, fifty-two, built in one of the Docks at Ports- mouth, and constructed on the lines of the late American ship of that nameavas floated on Monday.
On Tuesday, thirty rounds, single-spotted, were fired from the Gloucester's stern-guns, in the presence of the Port-Admiral and other naval officers, in order to ascertain the strength and stability of the ornamental work on her stern. The result wita, the greater part of it fell overboard before the firing ceased.—Plymouth Journal.
There was a report some days ago. that Sir Sydney Smith was going out in the Hylton Jollifte steam-boat, to Constantinople, to aid the Sultan in his emercencies. The Plymouth Journal of Thursday says that the steam-packet sailed on Tuesday with " Captain John Martin Hanchett, who is, we arc in- formed, going out with the especial permission and license of his Majesty, to take the command of the Turkish fleet against the Russians, in the ensuing campaign. when the most active operations are expected." There is, it seems, no such name as " Hanchett" in the Navy List, though there is the name of " Hackett" It is supposed that the statement of the Plymouth editor does not deserve much credit.
A FRUITFUL BRANCH.—The wife of James Stark, vintner, in Auchter- muchty, a well known village in Scotland, has given birth to four sons and one daughter within these thirteen months. Her eldest son is nine years of age, yet he has seen only three birth-days, having been born in a leap year on the 29th February. PARISH MEETINGS.—Pursuant to ancient custom, the different parishes of London met on Easter Tuesday, to choose churchwardens and other parish officers for the year. In one or two cases the popular voice was lifted up against the close system, whether in the election of officers or in the manage- ment of the parish funds. The keenest contest, and most violent opposition to established practice, was in the Parish of Christ Church, Surrey ; where Mr. Henry Hunt headed the mobility, and succeeded in turning out all the officers proposed by the old, or as it called the " aristocratic" party, and re- placing them by men after his own mind. He succeeded in getting his friend Mr. Wooller elected auditor of the parish accounts. Several of the Commissioners of Roads and Pavements were rejected ; and one gentleman threw up the office, declaring that he would no longer serve such a "rabble." A penny rate levied in this parish) commonly called the " Minister's ratq'
elected by a large majority. Tt1E SEASON.—We are sorry to learn that the accounts from many parts Of
ST. PATRICK'S Cir.tulTv.—The Duke of Sussex presided at a public din- the country are very unfavourable, mid. that the late extensive rains lime greatly nee on Wednesday, in Freemason's Tavern, in support of St. Patrick's retarded the growth of the wheats, if, indeed, they are not much injured. As Charity Schools and Asylum for Female Orphans. The meeting took a poli- yet, however, it is too early to venture on any decided view of the condition of tical colouring. The Royal Chairman congratulated the company on the agriculture.—Moraing Chronicle.
passing of the Catholic Itelief Bill, which he described as a measure of grace and favour, for which they were indebted to the King. Mr. O'Connell and Mr. Lawless made speeches. The collection for the charity amounted to
510/.—a larger sum time had been collected at any former anniversary. were heard in the case of I1iiehes against M-Tt irk, remitted from Dmnerara, SOUTH AMERICAN TRADE.—The merchants of London have presented a in which the plaintiff appealed from the decision of the Colonial Court, in memorial to Government, praying for its interference with the King of Spain awarding him only one thousand llorins damages, in all action that he had in order to put an end to those annoyances to commerce which the nou-recotf. brought against the defendant, Colonel Merurk, to recover a compensation for nation of his former colonies, reel the vexatious though idle alarm of an invasion illegal arrest and false imprisonment. Their Lordship:, in givitte judgment, from the mother country, occasion. About twenty mill ens of British pro- observed. that a more flagrant case had seldom been hear.! in a court of jus- perty is embarked in the Spanish American trade. Similar memorials are to Lice. The plaintiff hall been most illegally and cruelly ill-treated, and the be sent from Liverpool, Glasgow, and other commercial places. extent of his suffering,: must have been known to the defendant. Their Lord- Tile DE TO INDIA.—A public meeting of the merchants, bankers, and ships therefore ordered the verdict of damages awarding one thousand guilders traders, of Bristol was held on Tuesday week, to petition Parliament against to be set aside, and one with ten thousand guilders to be recorded.
the renewal of the East India Company's charter. The petition, alter a good COURT OF KING'S BENCII.—Tho adjourned sitting:: after Hilary Term Were deal of discussion, was carried by acclamation ; and a committee was named resertnet1 on Wednesday morning. before Lord Tenterden.
to co-operate with the Liverpool Committee in furthering the object in view'
SILK TRADE.—We regret to learn from several (plasters, that the throwsters assignees of Messrs. Chambers, the late hanker: in New Bond-street. arc the consider filmset% es so totally undone by the abandonment of their interests by plaintiffs, and the late Sheriff: of London aud Middlesex, and a Mr. Wilton, Government, that they are resolved to close their concerns and petition Par- the defeelants. The plaintiffs so:tele te.ctwer ISOOL, the value of goods lianient for compensation. Macclesfield herald.- [A mislest and sensible seized in execution by the Sheriff:. at the suit of Wilton. belltre, as they con- petition.] tended, a valid commission of bankruptcy hail been issued. The e;tse was SWAN RIVER SETTLEMENT.—An outcry is made as to the manner in which first brouele before the Court of Exchequer ; and after a trial of two days, this settlement is likely to be conduct-el; and the principle of favouritism is the Jury found a verdict for the delOntliets. The details are without any said to have actuated Ministers too much in disposing of some of the best lands. interest except to the parties concerned. The trial engaged the Court the whole Mr. Secretary Peel's brother-in-law, and one or two other favoured indivi- of Wednesday, when the Jury,heitler lewd Tentertienis direction, build for the duals, it would appear, have ohtaitml grants of immense tracts of land in the the plaintitk, with muninal damages of one shilling; thus eitablishing the most eligible Sitnation3. The Morning Post says—" None of these indivi- validity of the commission.
duals are possessed of sufficient capital for the adequate culture of more titan voace.—In the case of the Marchione tit' Westmeath against the Marquis a very small portion of their allotment. and all of them look forward to realize of Westmeath, for a divorce, the Court of Arches, on Saturday, affirmed a an annual rental by sub-letting what they cannot or will not occupy." Mr. previous judgment by Sir John Nichol! for a separation it ovum et ikoro. Ott Peel's friend is said to have no intention whatever of embarking his person, the part of the Marchioness it was alleged, that the Martinis had treated her
family, or fortune, in the interests of the rising colony.. with great cruelty, and had carried on an illicit connexion tvilh women of the P,mtottATIoN.—The process of emigration appears to hare commenced lowest description. Oa the other side. Lady (At:resale and the Dowager
with renewed alacrity. The vessels that have left our port lately tier North Marchioness of Salisbury, Lady Westmeath's mother, deposed that they never America have all exhibited on their decks a numerous complement of knew of the Marquis treating his wile with affectionate kindness and passengers. Amongst them we have observed both males and females of tenderness ; whereas the behaviour of lite .M:treilioncss towarth hint was most every age, and of various classes of society. They all seem to evince an provoking, and the Marchioness of Salisbury he haul often of her (laughter eagerness to quit the country of their birth, and, judging from their coon- to be more conciliatory to her hoshatid. he lollowing is one of the letters from tenanees, we should say that not one in a hundred feels any regret upon that the Marchioness to the Marquis of Westmeath, which were read in Court :— score. That some amongst them may have formed a very inadequate notion eery dear Nus.—Pll give you a few instances of your attachment to me. You of a voyage in search of wealth and independence to the northern extresnity first took me ;may Cram :dl my friends, and shut me up in an obscure corner of the world, without horses or s:2rvant. In the bitter winter of ISI3 and 1814, was in a of the New Wor'd is evident from the following anecdote, upon the truth of room not papered, sashes rotten, w:tli child, very hi; not allowed any thing but which our readers may rely. On Tuesday morning last the Triton sailed green wood for firing", because turf was two shillings a kish, instead of ono. when from this port for Quebec, with a fell share of passengers. The Wind was On- my child was twelve hours in the world, you told me you would bed d if you favourable for getting down the Humber, and she was consequently beating would give twenty-five guineas a year to a nurse ; why the devil could not I nurse her myself ?' though the doctor told you that I was unable. Three weeks after, you about for several hours. An old woman, who, on the ship's leaving the har- said that the child was to be disinherited, and the property settled on —. You Lour, had retired below, in the course of the afternoon suffered her curiosity took possession of illy pin-money. You swore that yon would turn me out of doors to get the better of her terrors, and ventured upon deck. The first object if I insisted on having it. You beat me, and endeavoured to place a pimp's danghteras my own maid. While I was undergoing an these privation for want of money, you that attracted het attention was Pied church, which, we may remark for the could find money fora prostitute. You believed her word when she did you the honours benefit of our distant readers, is situated about eight miles down the river. of saddling herself and her children on you, saying they were yours. — you lived She approached the pilot, and, in a strong East Riding dialect, .accosted him three. years with me in constant deceit, and when your nurse's impertinence made it impossible to conceal the whole any longer, you bound yourself Ity all that was with " Pray'ee, honey, is titat 'Mericky ?" " No, not yet, mother !" was sacred, that there should be um end of the business. Last year you broke your the answer. "Why, bairn," rejoined the old lady, "1 whoap it be'ant much solemn word and honour, and now you dare tell me that you never thought of any further, or me an' my owl man 'II gang back again, for I nivver war sae sick person but me.
o'nought i'my wheal life ! "—Hull Packet. Catholic Emancipation, it seems, has put a stop (for the present) to the The LENT OLD 13.mny SESSIONS closed on Saturday, with the trial of emigration of the Irish peasants. It is mentioned, in a Dublin letter, in the Thomas White for having uttered a forged order for two dozen of sherry wine. Morning jonenal," that the ships in the ports of Dublin and elsewhere, which He obtained the wine front a wine-merchant, on pretence that he had been at this season of the year hal used to be crowded with emigrants to North sent for it by Ann Bylield, the keeper of a chop-house in Crown Cant, near
America, have not been able to obtain a single passenger." the Temple. The Jury acquitted him.
The Dublin Morning Register announces that the Catholics are to begin The Recorder then passed sentence on the following convicts. the exercise of their restored rights, by inquiring into the manner in which Death—Thomas Gill, stealing goods, value 121W. and upwards, in a dwelling-house ; the Irish vestries expend the money intrusted to their management. One W. Henry Carr, for utterimf a forged order for the payment of 711finCy; Saran Bowen, vests has at been known to vote 2/. 18s. a-dozen for sacramental wine in one
year, and 31. Is a-dozen in the next, for wine of better flavour:" The same ling-house; James Bray, for stealing goods, value 1;:i. in :1. dwelling:louse John paper announces that a system of poor laws for Ireland hasbeen agreed upon. Dearman and William Powell, for entering a dweliing-house and stealing therein ; The passing of the Relief Bill was celebrated at Ennis by a general ilk- John Shiny and Robert Nixon, for robbing in a dwelling-house; James Smith, for minafion. Sarah Ash, for a like offence' Eleanor Fox and Mary Steel, for highway robbery; The Limerick Evening Post mentions that an English capitalist is making Patrick O'Donnel and Peter Daley, for robbery on Elizabeth Coombes ; John Harris, arrangements at. Clonroael for the establishment of a lace manufactory, in for burglary; John Pettit, for robbery in a dwelling-house; Thomas Gee. Hawkins
which four hundred young women will be employed.
)(one MINSTER—The repairs of the choir are begun. We heard one of the Jury who tried Martin, declare " that if he had burned the whole building instead of part of it, he would have done little harm ;" or words to that effect. The gentleman who made this charitable observation is a local preacher amongst the Methodists.—Leeds Patriot.
PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS.—By a return presented to the House of Com- mons, it appears that the aggregate amount of tolls collected on the New Surrey Roads during the last six years and seven months was 78,575/.13s. 4d.; and the aggregate amount expended by the trustees in-lighting and watching the same during six years and four months, 21,578/. 14s. 6d.
It appears that 72,8241 dozen pair of leather gloves were imported into the United Kingdom between the 5th of April 1828, and the 5th of January 1829. The amount of duty received for these gloves was 15,717/. 15s. 2d.
The total number of steam-boats or vessels belonging to all the ports of Great Britain is 310, and the number of tuns 26,374. Vessels belonging to Government are not included in this account. Of the number in the return 57 belong to the port of London.
The total number of prisoners committed for debt in the several prisons in the city of Dublin in the year 1827 was 2,036 ; the number in custody in thesaine prisons in the year 182,8 was 1,811. The number of debtors iu
was refused. Hunt carried every thing ; and, after a battle which raged from custody in those prisons on the 1st of Jauuary 1829, was 18-1. The num- nine in the morning till seven in the evening, the reformers were undisputed ber of prisoners committed for debt in the year 1828, to all the other prisons masters of the field. In the parish of St. Giles's in the Fields, and St. in Ireland, was 3,613; the number in custody on the 1st of January 1829 in George's, Bloomsbury, two churchwardens in the popular interest—avowed those prisons, was 410. The total amount of the expenses of all the gaols reformers of parish abuses, and opposed to the Select Vestry system—were in Ireland, in the year 1S28, was 61,0994 2e. 1044.
elected by a large majority. Tt1E SEASON.—We are sorry to learn that the accounts from many parts Of
ST. PATRICK'S Cir.tulTv.—The Duke of Sussex presided at a public din- the country are very unfavourable, mid. that the late extensive rains lime greatly nee on Wednesday, in Freemason's Tavern, in support of St. Patrick's retarded the growth of the wheats, if, indeed, they are not much injured. As Charity Schools and Asylum for Female Orphans. The meeting took a poli- yet, however, it is too early to venture on any decided view of the condition of tical colouring. The Royal Chairman congratulated the company on the agriculture.—Moraing Chronicle.