25 APRIL 1846, Page 11



The appearance of the market has been better for the last few days than for some time before. A general disposition for investment has been apparent among the public, and the purchases of Three-and-a-Quarter per Cents have for the most part predominated. There was considerable demand for this stock in the course of yesterday, occasioned by the simultaneous occurrence of some extensive private purchases and those of the Government-broker. The prices are not quite so good today; but the appearance of the market is still firm. The premium of Exchequer Bills has experienced a slight improvement, and has reached 27e. Money for commercial purposes is very abundant, and discounts of first-rate bills are easily obtainable at from 3 to 841 per cent. There is also, we understand, a decided unprovement in trade, in all the great manufacturing districts; and, but for the uncertainty, in regard to the fate of the Ministerial measures, we have little doubt that a considerable revival of business would occur.

The transactions in Foreign Bonds have been unimportant; the fluctuations of Spanish Stock, the only speculative commodity in that market, having been trifling.

The better class of Railway Shares are in demand; and some considerable in- vestmelts have occurred: these operations have not, indeed, caused any material advance in prices, but they are generally higher than last week. Most of the schemes of last year, now in progress and upon which calls continue to be made, are at a discount, though in some cases the depreciation is lessened. With few exceptions, the Scrip Shares remain as before described; prices accommodating themselves to the supposed amount per share which it is expected will be returned upon the dissolution of each company. The determination of the Government to adopt the course suggested by the Cominittee of the Stock Exchange, and require an expression of the assent of the majority of Scripholders of every Railway to the further progress of the bill authorizing its construction, instead of; QS at first proposed, allowing the abandonment of every scheme for the disso- lution ot which a petition should be presented signed by the majority of the Scripholders, will materially facilitate the breaking up now in progress. Sir Robert Peel's declaration last night as to the utter impossibility of tinding capital for the completion of the Irish Railways, Must be considered as the death-knell of most of those undertakings. It remains yet to be seen whether the capital to be now liberated by these various abandonments, and which may be roughly es- timated at 10,000,0001 in all, will be appropriated to the purchase of Sharea in such schemes as may survive the wreck, or find other endless hazardous modes of investment. The Solicitor-General's declaration as to the legality of transac- tions in Scrip Shares is considered important and beneficial, in its tendency to stay an enormous mass of litigation springing up in this particular department of business owing to the uncertain state of the law.

The business in Foreign Shares has been unimportant.


The proceedings in the House of Commons last night have caused rather a

gloom in the market, and prices are not quite so firm as yesterday: as yet, how ever, but little business has occurred either in the English or Foreign Funds. The transactions in Shares have been confined to the following: Caledonian, 6; Eastern Counties, 233 3; Ditto, New, 73 premium; Ditto, York Extension, 1#; Manchester and Leeds, Quarter-Shares, 9; South Midland, 1 dis.; South-eastern and Dover, 38 371; Ditto, New, No. 2, 12; Dutch Rhenish, 61.


The occurrence of some extensive private purchases for Money, has given firm- ness to prices, and the English Funds cline at an advance of 1 per cent upon the morning s prices. Bank Stock is marked at 2051 and 205, and India Stock at 260. The premium of Exchequer Bills is the same. No transactions of import- ance have occurred in the Foreign Market, and prices are the same. The better class of Railway Shares are firmer, but no change for the better has occurred in the Scrip. We subjoin the business transacted since the morning. Birmingham and Gloucester, 125 41; Direct Manchester, (Remington's,) 1; Ditto, (Rastrick's,) 33; Eastern Counties, 233 3; Ditto, New, 744 3 premium; Great Western, 148; London and Birmingham, 224; Ditto, Thirds, 614; Ditto, Quarters, 241: London and Blackwell, 8/ 8; London and Brighton, 641; London and Croydon, 223 2 / ; London and South-western, 78 73 81; London and York, li 3; Midland, 146 8; Ditto, New, 31i 303 11; Portsmouth Direct, 2#; Scottish Central, 133; South-eastern and Dover, 38 71; Ditto, New, No. 2, 12 113; Ditto, No. 8, 151; York and North Midland, 971; York and Scarborough Branch, 481; Dutch-Rhenish, 61 ti; Great Northern of France, Constituted, 153; Louvain and Jemeppe, 13; Namur and Liege, 11; Paris and Orleans, 484; Paris and Rouen, 301 3 30.

3 per Cent Console 961 Columbian ex Venezuela... 16 17

Dittofor Account 961 4 Danish 3 per Cents 87 9 3 per Cent Reduced 951 f Dutch 24 per Cents 594

34 per Cents 971 Ditto 4 per Cents 924 Long Annuities 10 1-16 3-16 Mexican 5 per Cents 314 2

Bank Stock 2051 5 Ditto Deferred 161 t

Exchequer Bills prem. 24 27 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.1841 374 81 Lndlit Stock 260 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 .... 574 81

Brazilian Spar Cents 80 2 Russian 5 per Cents 109 111 Belgian 41 perCents 97 9 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 254 Chillan 6 per Cents 98 100 Ditto 3 Cents 1842 3644