25 APRIL 1846, page 7


A number of persons residing in Inverness and its neighbourhood visited the field of Culloden on the 16th instant,—the centenary of the battle which put an end to the last mad......


Conciliation Hall was thinly attended on Monday. Mr. Caughy, a bar- rister, was in the chair; but he made no speech. Mr. Thomas Steele was anxious to make one; but he had a sore......

Fforeign An Colonial.

FRANCE. — The attempted assassination of the King of the French, at Fontainebleau, on Thursday the 16th instant,* has cast all other occur- rences into the shade. We now subjoin......


Mr. George Tomline, M.P. for Shrewsbury, has presented 1,0001. to the Provost and Fellows of Eton College, as the foundation of an annual ma- thematical prize. At a numerous......