Anarvee-At Gravesend, 18th April, Pandora, Cothey, from China ; Renown, Wood, from Hobart Town ;and Cashmere, Sherman, from Sydney; 19th, Juliet Erskine, Smith, from Calcutta; and Daphne, Widllian, from the Cape ; 21st, Athenian, Mann, from Calcutta ; 224, Manila, Lloyd, from Manila; and 234, Einem, Major, from Calcutta. At Plymouth, 18th, Thomas Metcalf, Stetson, from Ceylon ; 22d, Calcutta, Ross, fcem Hobart Town ; and 234, Southampton, Bower, from Calcutta. At Bristol, 18th, Zoe, Been, from MaIllithilL At Liverpool, 17th, E. Bousted, Arnold, from China ; and St. Lawrence, Newland, from Bombay; 18th, G. Armstrong, -; and H. Curwen, Vickers, from Calcutta; and 234, Blorenge, Banks; and Oak, Cordiner, from ditto. At Cork, 16th, Venus, Savory, from the Cape. At Bombay, Ilth March, Ingleborough, Rice, from Liverpool. At Ceylon, 12th Feb. Pearl, Burrows, from Newport; and 16th March, Colonist, BPG111, from London. At Calcutta, previous to 8th March, Susannah, Campbell ; and Royal Alice, Hopper, from London ; Joseph Busliby, Sparks; Jumna, Kerr; John Moore, Withycombe; Aqua Marine, Conolly; Lintin, Oilman; and Nith, Graham, from Liverpool ; Mohawk, Fergttsson ; and Glenorchy, Lamont, from the Clyde ; Albion, Robertson ; and Majestic, Isbester, from Newcastle. At Singapore, 18th Feb. Isabella, Gray, from Liverpool; and 1st March, Emma, Hartley, from ditto. At China, previous to 28th Feb. Lord Althozp, Elliot ; Chatham, Ilbery ; Glentanner, Brock ; Marmion, Jenard: Annie, -; Bleng, Stewart ; Mary Ann Webb, White; Esmeralda, Tollens ; Matilda, -; andldarion, Crawford, from Liverpool. SAILED-From Gravesend, 17th April, Semarang, Buckle; and Medway, Bridgeman, Dir.:Madras ; 18th, William Shand, Cleland, for Calcutta ; and G. Munro, Digby, for Ceylon ; 21st, Aneas, Townsend; and Queen, Devey, for Calcutta ; and Mary, Kemp, for Bombay; 224, Vanguard, Norris, for China; and Nelson Lamont, for Calcutta. FIDM Liverpool, )8th, John Dugdale„ Kinn& ; and Patna, Ponsonby, for China ; and Spencer, Stanton, for Singapore ; 19th, Helen Stewart, Whittingham, for China ; and 224, Anne Armstrong, Bradley, for Bombay. From the Clyde, 16th, Ellen, Rodgers, for Singapore.