Thoughts and Fancies. By Mrs. D. C. Lathbury. (Hodder and
Stoughton. is. sa. net.)—Mrs. Lathbury's little book consists of six essays, and they are all charming, though perhaps we say it that should not, for their authoress thanks the Spectator for permission to print "so much of these papers as originally appeared in" our columns. The paper upon "Throwing Away" has given us, we think, the most pleasure. From first to last there is much necessary throwing away in life, and it is, as Mrs. Lathbnry points out, very difficult to choose the right time. With quick and graceful transition from gay to grave, our essayist considers the desirability of keeping or discarding our most cherished possessions. Should we part with old toys, old love-letters, old counterfoils, old friends P Her little pictures of dilemma are delicate, skilful, and true to life.