Tice Reform Of The Calendar. By Alexander Philip. (kogan...
Trench, and Co. 4e. 6c1. net.)—Would one social life be conveniencal by a reform of the calendar which should make the same days of the week and of the month coincide year by......
Recollections Of Sixty Years. By The Right Hon. Sir Charles
Tupper. (Cassell and Co. 16s. net.)—Sir Charles Topper is the oldest statesman now living. He is nearing his ninety-third birthday, but neither in temper nor in style does his......
On The Left Of A Throne. By Mrs. Evan Nepean.
(John Lane. 10s. 6d. net.)—This entertaining and admirably illus- trated book does not claim to be a "complete biography " so much as a "personal study" of the unfortunate Duke......
Gun Dogs. By Frank Townend Barton, M.r.c.v.s. With 46...
(John Long. 5s. net.)—This is a small book, illustrated with a large number of photographs, which treats of the management, breaking, handling, and feeding of dogs used in......
Calendar Of Coroners' Bolls Of The City Of London, 1300-
1378. Edited by Reginald R. Sharpe. (R. Clay and Sons.) —This interesting repertory of social life in mediaeval London is printed by order of the Corporation under the direction......
Matter And Some Of Its Dimensions. By William Kearney Carr.
(Harper and Brothers. 2s. 6d. net.) — Mr. Carr begins by setting forth in popular language some of the latest discoveries about electrons. On these he bases his argument that......
An Englishman Looks At The World. By H. G. Wells.
(Cassell and Co. 6s. net.)—This collection of newspaper articles is a heterogeneous compendium of Mr. Wells's im- pressions of modern life, which it is easier to read than to......
The Churches Of Kent. By Francis Grayling. "county...
2 vols. (George Allen and Co. 25. net per vol.)—After dealing in a brief introduction with con- structional peculiarities and general external and internal conditions, Mr.......
The Law Of Gambling, Civil And Criminal. By Ward Coldridge
and Cyril V. Hawksford. (Stevens and Sone. 12s. 6d. net.)—The passing of the " Street Betting Act, 1906," and the decision of many important cases, such as "Powell v. The......
Sounds And Signs. By Archer Wilde. (constable And Co. 4s.
6d. net.)—This book is " a criticism of the alphabet with suggestions for reform," in which the needs of the average reader of printed type are throughout kept in view. Mr.......
The Millers Of Harlington, Dunbar, And Dunfermline. By W. J.
Couper. (T. Fisher Unwin. 8s. 6d. net.)--Mr. Cooper complains in his preface that biographers have devoted much attention to publishers, whilst they have unduly neglected......