The Millers of Harlington, Dunbar, and Dunfermline. By W. J.
Couper. (T. Fisher Unwin. 8s. 6d. net.)--Mr. Cooper complains in his preface that biographers have devoted much attention to publishers, whilst they have unduly neglected booksellers. Perhaps there is a sound economic reason for this; biographers, like other authors, have to live, and there may be a subtle significance in the fact that the present volume was undertaken at the suggestion of Mr. Fisher Unwin, in whose person the tradition of the Miller family is still alive. But it is nevertheless true, as Mr. Birrell says, that "no great trade has an obscurer history than the book trade," and we welcome this pleasant record of Scottish book- selling at the close of the eighteenth century. It was well worth writing, and Mr. Couper has written it well.