[Under this heading ins node. awls Rooks is/ M. Irak as Sum nab lies rssinnsil for inning in other forms.] The Ozyrhynchus Papyri, Part X. Edited by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt. (Egypt Exploration Fund.)—We welcome Dr. Grenfell's return to his collaboration with Mr. Hunt, and the consequent probability of reduction of arrears in the Graeco-Roman branch of this important work. The present part begins with some fragments from a collection of sayings of Jesus, among which we note one hitherto unrecorded addi- tion in the passage: "And pray for your enemies ; for he that is not against you is with you. He that to-day is afar off shall to-morrow be near you."—The Cemeteries of Abydos, Part ///. By T. E. Peet and W. L. S. Loat. (Same pub- lishers.)—The results of careful excavation in two new regions of the cities of the dead at Abydos. It seems that the Copts who settled on the site at a later date buried ox-skulls under their houses to bring good fortune to the inmates.