The Land of Open Doors. By J. Burgon Bickereteth. With Foreword by Earl Grey. (Wells Gardner, Darton, and Co. 7s. 6d. net.)—Earl Grey tells us in his appreciative foreword that Mr. Bickersteth was in 1913 a lay member of the Archbishops' Mission in Western Canada, who was "endeavouring, with the courage and disinterestedness of a soldier leading a forlorn hope, to meet the spiritual require- ments of the settlers and the men engaged in construction work of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway." His letters, of which this remarkable book is composed, "reveal with the vividness of a cinematograph the privations, sufferings, tragedies, and comedies inseparable from the lives of those whose adventurous spirit has led them to undertake the initial spade-work upon the foundations of a future civilization which, it is hoped, will some day make Western Canada renowned for noble living and for high ideals." We quite agree with Earl Grey's high estimate of the merits of this unassuming but extremely readable hook.