THE ROYAL YACHT CLum—A grand match took place on Tuesday,
for a silver cup 136 ounces in weight, between the Giaour (28 tons), 3Ir. B. Moore ; the Yda (23 tons), Mr. F. Korff; the Tiger (12 tons), 3l'Ir. H. Hyams ; and the Vestris (8 tons), Mr. J. Weston. The dis- tance to he performed was from Greenwich to Gravesend, and back again. The yachts started by signal at half-past ten ; the Giaour lead- ing. The race received additional interest from an untoward accident of a very cockney-like character, which happened to the Yda, and whose effects were first observed when she got down to Blackwell Reach. In weighing, by a happiness of blundering that none but fresh- water seamen could hope to attain to, the buoy-rope got entangled with the rudder ; and when she got to Blackwell, the vessel was no longer capable of being steered. The owner of the Yda appealed to the Com- modore, and exclaimed against the conduct of his rivals, "by whom bal- last had been shamefully attached to his rudder." In the mean time, the men persevered in trying to free it, and ultimately succeeded ; when, to their surprise, the ballast was neither more nor less than their own buoy. Mr..Korff again appealed to the Commodore, and by his com- mand proceeded in the race ; but with not the slightest hope of win- ning. Win, however, he did, to his own surprise and that of everybody beside. Between Woolwich and Purfieet, the Yda gained considerably on the Giaour; and having passed the .Tiger and Vestris, betting ran high in her favour. Al nine minutes 'mit pne, the Giaour shot round the standard placed in the river at Grave-send, and was followed in the space of four minutes and a half- by the Yda; and ultimately she shot by the Giaour, took along lead of her, and won the race. The Giaour was-beat by several minutes, the Yestris by an hour, and the Tiger by Ain hour and eight minutes.