Technicalrties Or The Law.—a Man Named Woolley, Who Was...
guilty of violating a little girl named Caroline Green, at the late Staffbrdshire Assizes, has been reprieved ; and on what argument, can the reader imagine, was the reprieve......
S.muggling. — On Tuesday Evening Last Week, Lieutenant...
accompanied by the officers of the coast guard, proceeded on board a brig, from New Brunswick, which was lying at the Coal Company's Quay, Limerick, and commenced an active......
THREATENING LETTERS.—The Caledonian Mercury gives, in its number for last Saturday, the following copy of a letter sent to a shop- keeper of Edinburgh, who is, it seems,......
Dtt Country, Revival Or Tnauf. - =thre'reidi Mercury...
the fall trade is beginning to increase the sales both in our cloth-halls and warehouses, and to revive the drooping spirits of our merchants. For two or three weeks past, the......
A Private Soldier Belonging To The Detachment Of The 77th
Regiment quartered in Stonchouse Barracks, deliberately fired at a Sergeant of the same corps, last week, with intent to murder him. The man had been for repeated misconduct......
While Viscount Chetwynd, On Monday Evening Last, Was...
pony chaise through Brackley, the animals ran away with the carriage, and Lord Chetwynd was thrown out with considerable force upon the. ground. The bone at the top of the......