CliEnunirri's "0 salutaris hostia," arranged from the full score by
Oh, the never-to-be-forgotten delight of hearing MALIBRAN in this exquisite song !—the rich and ringing tone of her fine contralto, resting firmly on the lower F, and the exquisitely devotional feeling with which she poured forth every note. It is one of the few things which fixes itself, phrase by phrase, in the memory—never to be rubbed wit. And she has lately been hissed—yes hissed, at Rome, This fact is sufficient to decide the present state of musical taste in Italy. Gnisr and Test are singers of high repute there ; of necessity MALIBRAN cannot be so esteemed. May she be driven back to England ! we shall gladly welcome "the disowned" of Rome. . Of Mr. NOVELLO'S arrangement, it is needless to say more than that, in order to bring the song within the usual compass of treble voices, it it transposed (a third higher than the original key) into G.