On Tuesday afternoon, as the Queen was passing through the
triumphal arch at the entrance of the Green Park, facing Apsley House, on her road to Windsor, a man in the crowd threw a letter into the royal carriage, with such force as to strike the Queen in the face. Her Majesty did not appear at all alarmed, and the carriage passed on. A constable seized the man, and carried him to the Stationhouse in Gardener's Lane. He is an Irishman ; and says he has been in the anny, and been wronged of several hundred pounds. Since Monday, the walls of the Metropolis have been extensively Placarded with bills to the following effect. " Notice is hereby given, that all persons using dogs under carts or trucks as beasts of burden, after the date hereof, will render themselves liable to be prosecuted, and fined 2/., according to the provisions of an obsolete act lately disco- Tered.—Chronicle.
Two forged checks on Messrs. Hoare, the bankers, with ingeniously- wvitten letters, one of them in an envelop bearing the forged frank of "J. Russell," directing the parties to call at the bank for the sum of all200/. and 2001., have been picked up in the streets. One was signed Junes Gibson," the other " Mills," both written in the same hand. The finders were a gentleman and a constable of the Police ; who sent tie packets to Messrs. Hoare. There have been several accidents on the Thames this week, in con- Itisenee of the boisterous weather. About eleven o'clock last night, there was a disturbance in the Strand, opposite Catherine Street, occasioned by two men who bad quarrelled and fought. A crowd assembled, and the row lasted for some time ; but no Policeman appeared. At length, a gentleman fottnd one, who was lounging near the shops. opposite Drury Lane Theatre; and it is supposed that be stopped the battle.