There Has Been A Good Deal Of Electioneering Excitement This
week in Yarmouth. It will be recollected that a compromise was effected be- tween the Liberals and Tories, according to which the former agreed to give up Mr. Wilshere, one of......
Mr. Russell Bowlby Called The Attention Of Judge Alderson To
the remarks imputed to him on charging the Jury in Mr. Bowlby's case against the scurrilous Newcastle paper, and which were noticed in the Spectator a fortnight ago. Judge......
The Following Are Now On A Visit At Longsbaw, A
sporting-lodge near Sheffield, belonging to the Duke of Rutland. The Duke of Rat' land, Lord and Lady Southampton, Sir Robert Peel, Lord Goal Manners, Sir Richard Sutton, &c.......
Mr. Swynfen Jervis, Member For Bridport, Sent The...
to Mr. Attwood with his subscription of five pounds to the Birmingham Political Union. " Whitehall Place, August 4th. 153S. " Dear Sir—I received the Petition you did me the......
The working classes " have been meeting in large numbers in the North and South—in manufacturing Lancashire end agricultural Suf- folk. On the evening of the 1GO,, about 20,000......
The Association For The Advancement Of Science Had Their...
ing this year at Newcastle-upon- Tyne. The Committee met thee t ; Saturday, and despatched some preliminary business. The sectionse, sembled on Monday in their various......
A Meeting Of The Shareholders In The Grand Junction Railway
took place on Wednesday week, at the Cotton Sale-room, Liverpool. The meeting came to the determination of creating an addition of half t million sterling to the stock of the......
The Accounts Of' The Crops Are Chiefly Derived From The
mete of last week, when the weather was fine ; consequently they wen more favourable than would now be received, for the weather during the present week has been unsettled, and......