There has been a good deal of electioneering excitement this
week in Yarmouth. It will be recollected that a compromise was effected be- tween the Liberals and Tories, according to which the former agreed to give up Mr. Wilshere, one of their Members, and the Tories aban- poned their petition against both. Mr. Wilshere took the Chiltern . Hundreds, and Mr. Thomas Baring claimed to be elected without opposition. Nevertheless, an opposition was raised by a party who never sanctioned this arrangement ; and some time ago, Colonel Thomp • son was proposed at a meeting of Radicals, but it would seem without his sanction, for the Colonel does not appear. Mr. Windham was next asked to stand, but declined ; and the dissentients then again put for- ward Mr. Wilshere, without his knowledge or consent, (he is on the Continent.) Mr. Baring went to Yarmouth, and addressed the elec- tors in a clever speech. On Thursday the polling commenced, and closed as follows.—
Wikhere 73.3
Baring 702
Majority 31
So Mr. Wilshere was reelected : whether he will serve, is considered doubtful.