A meeting of the shareholders in the Grand Junction Railway
took place on Wednesday week, at the Cotton Sale-room, Liverpool. The meeting came to the determination of creating an addition of half t million sterling to the stock of the company, by the issue of 10,000 shares of 50/. each. The present shareholders are to have the sputa of taking up the new shares in the proportion of one to every.100 shares now held by them.
The entire journey from London to Birmingham was performed oo the railroad, on Saturday, by Mr. Robert Stephenson, the engineer' and a party of friends, in four hours and a half.
On Monday week, the largest locomotive engine ever made M Leeds was tried on the Leeds and Selby Railway, by the makers, Fenton, Murray, and Jackson, previous to its being sent to the Paris and Ver. sailles Railway in France. With only one carriage and the tender, this engine travelled at the rate of 60 miles an hour, and at the rate of 20 miles per hour, with 140 tons, both on the level part of the line...- Doncaster Chronicle.