The following are now on a visit at Longsbaw, a
sporting-lodge near Sheffield, belonging to the Duke of Rutland. The Duke of Rat' land, Lord and Lady Southampton, Sir Robert Peel, Lord Goal Manners, Sir Richard Sutton, &c. They had excellent sport, and have bagged a considerable quantity of grouse. The Marquao b Granby is expected shortly to arrive. In Perthshire the weather I been most auspicious, and the birds are said to be numerous. —Shell Iris.
Partridges are plentiful in most parte of Devonshire ; and the cove/
wee in number, although the birds are small. From the lateralss srofetbe 'harvest, shooting will be postponed in some districts until the middle of September.— Western Luminary.
The state apartments at Hampton Court are closed, and will remain .arrangements for making them gratuitously and more gene- s° until the any accessible to the public shall have been completed. At the seat of Lord Lyttleton, at Hagley, a bazaar was held in order W increase the funds for building a new church, towards which the 5401 was raised. The noble proprietor bad on a tent sten of
„Gage Henry Lord Lyttleton, licensed to sell beer, ale, and cider, Ity retail, to be drunk on the premises."— Worcester Journal. ' A Deputy Registrar in Kent ends a notification respecting his offi- cial duties with this announcement—" N.B. Baking on Sundays, as usual; joints, 2d., sucking pigs, 6d. The Montrose Review pronounces the marvellous story about Robert Taylor and the late Lord Kennedy, which went the round of the papers, to be a fabrication.
A gang of burglars, who have committed various depredations in the
PPof Marchwood, Dorset, were last week apprehended in a small coppice near Axminster, and committed to Dorchester gaol for trial. A young Catholic girl, named Ryan, living at Liverpool, has been ant to prison on a charge of attempting to poison John 'Power, a labouring man, with his family, by arsenic put in a pie, which she pre- teoded had been sent by a friend of Power's family. The prisoner lad quarrelled with Power's wife.