The Globe yesterday gave the following account of a fatal
duel, from a correspondent, who mentioned no names— "A duel was fought on Wimbledon Common yesterday, in a ravine, about two hun- dred yards from the mill. The result was fatal to one of the parties, who arrived on the ground about 7 p.m. There were six persons present besides a surgeon; two of these were young men, who kept at some distance. The principals were placed about thirteen yards apart. At the first fire, neither was hit ; at the second, one of the principals was 'Witt the right side, and instantly fell. A cow.boy, hearing he discharge of the pistols, Immediately went to the ground, where the surgeon was examining the wounft, and the two young men who had kept aloof also approached. The surgeon wished them to assist in removing the body to the cab, which they declined, but got into a carriage and left the common. The cow-boy assisted the surgeon to carry the body to a car- riage, which had post-horses; and the surgeon gave the boy a shilling for his trouble. The whole party then drove off to London. There was no information gained on the round as to the names of the parties. The surgeon observed, ' it was an unhappy result, but the meeting was unavoidable: The boy from whom these particulars have been obtained did not observe the number on the cab."
The Chronicle this morning supplies additional particulars-
" We understand that the name of the unfortunate gentlemen who lost his lire was Chula Flower Mirfin ; and that he resided in Pleasant Place, West Square, Lam. teth. His opponent is understood to ben Mr. E—t, the son of a Majorlieneral in the Army. The dispute arose, as we are informed, in the infamous Saloon, about one or the' ladies' who frequent it. We give the following details from a correspondent. The parties fired at a distance of twelve paces. At the first shot the ball of Mr. E—t went through the hat of Mr. Miran. The seconds immediately interfered; but the de. erased objected, and insisted on having a second shot. The pistols being reloaded, the parties again fired; when Mr. Mirlin tell. Ile was instantly attended by his second and Dr. Scott ; who, on examining the nature of the injury. found that the ball had entered his right side, had passed transversely through his body to the other side, and had penetrated the heart. Beath was almost instantaneous. The body was then Wien from the ground, and placed in the gig ; when, at the dusk of the evening, it was brought to his residence in Pleasant Place. The next day, (Thursday,) Mr. Reed, the undertaker, in the London Road, was applied to for the purpose of having the body teemed to a town in the country, about 16$ miles off; but, upon his finding the cause of death, he felt it his duty to make a communication to Mr. Young, the constable of the district ; when, as he suspected that the body might be removed, he informed Field, au inspector of the L division, who immediately placed a man on duty to watch thepremittes. It is understood that the seconds have gone to the Continent. The de- coaeed was a very fine young man, and most respectably connected. Mr. Scott visited the house yesterday; but hearing that a Policeman was on the watch, he made his escape over a wall. The fact, however, was, that the Policeman had no authority to deem him, An inquest will be held on the body."